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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

An Upside Down World

In December of 1865, the several American states ratified the thirteenth amendment constitutionally ending involuntary servitude in the United States. In the twenty-first century, Americans are coming full circle. In a number of states, a black man can again be forced by the government to work involuntarily for a white man.

Not since the nation eliminated Jim Crow laws during the civil rights era have we seen such a bizarre conundrum. But if the black man is a Christian and the white man is gay, a court can forcibly order the black man to serve the white man or drive the black man from business. A number of states have been working to pass laws to prevent this weird conundrum, but in an irony that knows no bounds, gay-rights activists are comparing these religious freedom laws to Jim Crow.

The issue boils down to one question — should a Christian who believes a wedding can only be between a man and a woman be forced to provide goods and services to a gay wedding? Despite the histrionics of some, no one suggests that anyone be allowed to simply deny service to any class of people, be they black or white or gay or straight. The issue only arises in the context of gay weddings.



  1. Perversion is not some kind of civil right. To equate the two opens the door to every other sick twisted perversion that man is capable of. Any bible believing black church does not promote homosexuality. Liberals (black and white) that could care less about God are pushing that agenda. If they get their way every perversion on earth will be a "right" and anyone that does not agree with it will be " closed minded bigots". We really don't want to go there.

  2. If you cannot treat everyone equally it is time to get out of the wedding business.

  3. That is the most twisted, tortured logic I have ever read.

  4. 10:46 If you are referring to 9:44 it's called the truth. You probably aren't familiar with it.


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