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Sunday, March 09, 2014


Image is not Piedmont or Salisbury
Its December 21st. Loved ones are flying into Salisbury to visit Family and others are coming home for the Holidays. The Centre Of Salisbury Mall is packed with Holiday Shoppers, local Hotels are booking rooms for visitors when all of a sudden a Piedmont Airline Plane is descending at an incredible rate of speed, many witnesses scared for their life.

For those on board the Plane, preparations for a crash were in progress as the plane descended to less than 500 feet over the Mall. 

The problem, well, there was no problem, thankfully. The Pilot simply wanted to rattle the windows of his home and neighbors who lived next to the Mall.  

Ladies & Gentlemen, this didn't happen just once. It happened multiple times, hence airline personnel nicknaming it "The Draper One Approach". 

Below under "READ MORE" you will find some of the most incredible findings you've ever seen from the FAA. We are providing documented proof and evidence and we at Salisbury News are truly concerned for your safety, not only on the ground but in the air as well.

You have to ask yourself, WHY haven't we heard of this. Why hasn't it hit the local Main Stream Media? Could it be possible that one of the people that runs the Salisbury Airport is married to a prominent local News Reporter? 

All I can tell you is, THIS IS NEWS. All too often I am labeled the bad guy for exposing this kind of information, am I? I shared this story with a local business person who immediately challenged me by saying, what are you going to do now, close our Airport. Is it really necessary, they said. 

Well, YOU read these documents and decide for yourself. IS THIS NEWS? DO YOU BELIEVE YOU SHOULD BE MADE AWARE OF SUCH THINGS LIKE THIS?

I'll simply say this. The rest of your local Main Stream Media DOES NOT.  What's more important safety or profit?  You decide.


  1. 7:09, I'm told they didn't know what was happening.

  2. Wow cool find Joe...

  3. Draper needs his pilot's license revoked for good and a mental health evaluation.

  4. Only on SBYnews. Thanks for giving us true news stories.

  5. Is there anyway to enlarge the reports when you have them in their own screen? They are hard to read.

  6. What a idiot! This sounds like a suicide flight to me.

  7. Is this guy crazy. That could have been my husband or daughter on board. Shame on the rest of the news people out there for not exposing this. Thank you Joe.

  8. Wonder if any of the other MSM will give this the attention it deserves?
    Looks as if a pilot or pilots need a good a$$ kicking.

  9. 7:26, click on the image. Then hit your control key and use your mouse to enlarge or reduce the image.

    Folks, if I'm not explaining this right, give me a hand. Thanks.

  10. Is the FAA charging Piedmont with a crime?
    This is criminal what these pilots did!

  11. Joe, this incredible and dangerous story belongs on CNN.

  12. Your damn right this is news. I want to know if this pilot is still flying planes.

  13. You have the FAA and then you have the FCC

  14. You can't tell me the guy running the airport never told his wife in the news business. This is very suspicious.

  15. So, he's permanently no longer a pilot? What's he doing now for a living?

  16. Piedmont Airlines= BayRunner Shuttle

  17. psychopath at his finest. Lots more to come.

  18. Got it Joe. You hit zoom then zoom in. It doesn't enlarge when you click on the percentages.

  19. Not the earth shattering news I thought it would be. Clearly, the pilot was in the wrong but I don't think anyone's safety was in jeopardy. He was suspended by the airline and the FAA. If this had been "covered up", maybe he'd still be flying without suspension. Looks like appropriate actions were taken. I fly US Airways almost every week. Happy they took action and happy to keep flying with them.

  20. 7:33, according to the documents all of his licences and certificates have been revoked and he is prohibited from reapplying.

  21. Did Wicomico County officials ( council members, etc.) know about this or did the airport manager hide it from everyone around here?

  22. Joe, who are these 24 passengers? 7:09, do you honestly think it's ok as long as those passengers were unaware?

  23. Within 45 minutes this article is already in the TOP 5 Posts of the past seven days.

  24. 7:44 I may be reading incorrectly but it seems after Jan 20, 2014 he could reapply.

    Pg 3 (of last doc posted) #3, states

    "No application for a new FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate shall be accepted from you, nor shall any such certificates be issued to until January 20, 2014, or any time thereafter."

  25. No one would have survived this. No evacuation necessary.

  26. Pretty scary stuff but I can't see what it has to do with Mr. Bryant. He has no control over flight operations or pilots. There was no reason for him to even be aware of this as he's not in the chain of command of Piedmont or FAA.

  27. Three words for those 24 unaware passengers. CLASS ACTION SUIT!

  28. 7:42-what in the heck is wrong with you people. You don't "think" anyone's safety was in jeopardy. That's not the point. The point is this should not have occurred and are the actions of a "play baby."
    Your standards are low. I personally expect professionalism. That is what is wrong with you people. You have extremely low expectations.

  29. Who the hell do these people think they are. How dare they allow such recklessness and why didn't the other pilots stop this crazy man sooner. I live in the pathway when planes decent into the airport and have seen them flying in very low at times. Now I know why.

  30. Yes this is news. Piedmont did not behave in a criminal manner. The reckless behavior is on the part of the pilot. Once brought to the attention of the company. they suspended him. Maybe they should have outright fired him but they didn't thereby opening themselves to an incredible level of civil liability. FAA revoked his license for a period of 6 months. Now he can re-apply for certification. Has he? Why was this kept quiet? Because the husband of the WBOC employee would likely have been looking for a new job if he had leaked the info.

  31. 7:54. Agreed. It should never have happened. But it did happen. And it appears to have been swiftly addressed by preventing the pilot from being able to do this again. I know the FAA takes these things seriously. What more should have been done.

  32. 7:42, you don't think anyone's safety was in jeopardy? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? 493 feet over the mall and going almost 300mph. Cell towers surround the area.

  33. My sources tell me the reason this kind of information is censored is that one of the news medias husband is the airport terminal manager. I believe his name is Bryant. I am sure that if a thorough investigation were conducted with the FAA it would uncover similar events.

  34. Joe - there is nothing wrong with the clarity as my computer shows the documents to be crystal clear.

  35. 8:06-I think his license should be revoked forever. This risk taking behavior isn't something easily overcome. Let him take risks with his own family not other people. Let him use this poor judgment with his own family.
    There should be no chance whatsoever for him to play in an aircraft that is full of people ever again, putting not only them in danger but those on the ground as well.

  36. Barely qualifies as news.

  37. Breaking news IMO it is not The incident happened in Dec 2012. The first page of "evidence" the man being questioned said "I heard".

    The pilot admitted his guilt. The pilot was disciplined in 2013. No longer news. I for one do not belive this to be a cover up.

  38. This story is unbelievable, Joe.
    Release the passengers names and contact FOX NEWS. These passengers on board this death flight deserve to be made aware of this now.

  39. Yes, this IS news. News you won't hear from our other "news outlets". Great investigative reporting and discovery. We appreciate your efforts and providing us with facts. Joe--Thank you.

  40. Is the pilot a local? Anyone know his name? unfortunately you can't always control the actions of all the idiots but I can't believe that Piedmont would allow this type of thing to happen regardless of what happens locally. (If it was a Piedmont airline)

  41. report say passengers were oblivious to the maneuver sounds like only the people in the parking lot and the flying waitress were worried

  42. I don't understand how this isn't national news. And anon 8:16 this is breaking news because we are just finding out about it.

  43. Dam right this information is relevant and the community needs to know.

    Joe....good work.

  44. It WAS a Piedmont Flight. #4343 from Philadelphia to Salisbury at 11:30pm.
    With 24 passengers on it.

  45. 8:35 because no one really cares about a prop plane flying low over the mall one time 2 years ago

  46. Maybe we should ask those 24 passengers if they think it's NEWS.

  47. 8:40 the report states the passengers were unaware of the flyby.

  48. As pilots know.. there are two things that are completely worthless..the runway behind you and the altitude above you.
    There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but... there are no old-bold pilots.

  49. 8:34. Thank God that the flying waitress noticed that something was wrong.

  50. 8:39.. do you understand this pilot had been doing this for quite a while and getting away with it..this was NOT a one time event!
    He was caught by eye witnesses 3 days before Christmas.

  51. To 8:13 Poster - Barely News

    What planet are you from? If this isn't news I don't know what is.

    I guess you are some sort of hermit that lives in an underground cave - come on now - this is FRONT PAGE NEWS if there ever were.

  52. I can see why other news outlets are interested in Salisbury News.

  53. Maybe in the little world of da Bury its news. 8:59 No, I live in a waterfront home with no mortgage.

  54. As a Retired Pilot, I have never in my 40 year career heard of a 121 carrier with 24 passengers ( whether they knew about it or not.) doing something as dangerous and beyond stupid as this. Believe me when I say, this is one for the record books..and it doesn't matter if it happened over a year ago.

  55. It has come to my attention that Piedmont hasn't purchased a new prop plane in nine years. Many of these planes, (so I'm told) are nearing the end of their life expectancy and Piedmont appears to be giving up on Salisbury as a hub. Should they choose to leave Salisbury, know that it is NOT because of this article. Powers to be have already hinted, (before today) that they are in fear of their future in Salisbury.

  56. Has anyone contacted Piedmont or the FAA for comment?

  57. I used to take the commuter out of Salisbury for business trips. I stopped for three reasons:
    1. US Air would constantly drop the flight from Philly back to SBY for all the reasons in the play book.
    2. The cost was going through the roof.
    3. The crazy drop like a rock descent into SBY airport. At the time I thought maybe it was just me overreacting; now I read this.

  58. In a way this reminds me of the Italian cruise ship incident.The Captain directed the ship too close to an island and ran ashore causing the ship to fall over on it's side.His rationale for doing this was to get the attention of someone who lived on that island.(A woman if I'm not mistaken).Twenty some people died in that incident.

  59. What's the requirement on drug testing for these guys? Sounds like a little sniffing going on.

  60. 9:06, I believe the documents speak for itself. Piedmont has every right to send us a Letter to the Editor and or comment on this article.

    That being said, ANY communication or response would be damage control, period. So what would I expect to hear. It's unfortunate but the pilot has been suspended. Things along that line.

    Let's see what happens in time.

  61. After reading this very upsetting article, I spoke with several of my friends who fly large planes. They all said the same thing. "Was this guy drunk or have a death wish?" Piedmont better pray those 24 people are not notified about all this.

  62. I am just shocked at this story. I would be pissed if it was my family on board and some a** pilot did this putting their life(s)at risk. Joe, have you contacted Piedmont about this incident and if so what was their response? It sounds like this was not the first time this happened so how could they not know. Who at Piedmont is in charge of pilots and train them? It was only by the grace of God that the plane did not crash. If the worst had happened then they investigate! Why does it take the worst case scenario?? I hope the next story you write is Piedmonts explanation.

  63. " Anonymous said...
    Is the pilot a local? Anyone know his name?...
    March 3, 2014 at 8:30 AM"

    8:30 did you actually read the article?

    Contained within the article are the following bits of information:

    His NAME is Edmund C. Draper.

    The incident was him supposedly buzzing his own HOUSE which is located near the Center at Salisbury Mall....

    GO back and read it again!

  64. All crewmembers are subject to random alcohol and drug testing throughout their employment with an Airline including Piedmont.

  65. Joe, congrats on breaking this story. How did you find out about it? Is it possible the local MSM was just unaware? Don't get me wrong, that would still mean they are incompetent...just not necessarily engaging in a cover-up.

  66. I have always said, "You can't fix something your not aware of". Now that our elected officials ARE aware of it, what will they do to protect the public to assure this never happens again. Meaning, Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt.

  67. What control does Ireton have over the airport? It isn't in the city.

  68. 9:51, Perhaps you should READ the article again. The MALL and RESIDENTS do live in the City.

  69. Joe, you need to grow a pair and send this to CNN and get it out there! Quit just stirring up the local pot, and get some real action going, turn this pilot and airline in.

  70. This story makes me physically sick. I fly Piedmont frequently and all passengers who purchase a ticket deserve a safe flight.
    This was a intentional and deliberate act. And NOT a one time event.

  71. Is Draper by any chance a member of the Draper Holdings family? If so, that would explain the absence of coverage by WBOC.

  72. Another crazy pilot thinking he owns that airplane. Do your crop dusting maneuvers without 24 people with you..Friggin idiot!!!

  73. Now that Salisbury has acquired so much territory just about anything that occurs within a huge radius will be considered Salisbury.

  74. reminds me of the us air pilot that used to purchase 10-12 miniature bottles of Smirnoff vodka every time i saw him in the liquor store when i was buying liquor. i knew he was a pilot, if he was purchasing for home consumption, why was he buying miniatures all the time? don't know his name however i remember him talking about his horses to the liquor store cashier. i never saw him there in uniform, i just happen to be on a couple flights he was manning from philly to sby and recognized him as the pilot.

  75. As for the comment on drug and alcohol testing it has to be a joke. I can not tell you how many U.S. Air Pilots from this area are aloholics. I dont know why. There are at least three that live in this area. I guess they are bored or something. There are so many U.S. Air workers with substance abuse problems it is not funny. I just dont get it. I am not saying this guy has a problem I have just seen so many of them at parties and they get totally wiped out and drive. I quit going to any of thier social functions. I will not fly out of Salisbury.

  76. I was informed the First Officer was given 6 month suspension by the FAA for his part in this. He is currently still flying for Piedmont Airlines.

  77. I am sharing this on facebook and I will never fly out of Salisbury again.

  78. 9:55.. I agree with you 150%...Joe, please do your best to get this IMPORTANT AND SERIOUS story to CNN and FOX...anyone on here who thinks this isn't news...I suggest you imagine those 24 passengers as your mom, dad, and children coming back to salisbury to spend the holidays with you.

  79. At ANY moment now this article will become the #1 article of the past SEEN days. This has been achieved in less than FOUR HOURS of being published. NOTHING we have published has ever achieved so many hits, EVER!

    Lord knows what will happen when the National MSM picks it up as well. All I can tell you is that more people that live in Salisbury have already read this article.

    I'm glad too because as I had expected, it's that important. WOW!


    1. I know for a fact you have SH*T for brains. You have got to be one of those dumbocrat liberals that doesn't believe the evidence in front of you. Why are these people allowed to breathe?

    2. Absolutely 12:14. What a bag of dog$hit. Piedmont owes that Flight Attendant more than retirement. The only mentally disturbed wacko is you.

  81. 11:00, HMMMMM, I wonder who you might be? Perhaps you live by the Salisbury Mall? Nevertheless, DID YOU READ THE DOCUMENTS! Yeah, it's all a lie. You people are just unbelievable, seriously.

  82. I meant to say SEVEN DAYS at 10:56.

  83. As a pilot reading this, everyone needs to understand at this altitude and speed, this crew would have NEVER been able to recover if something would have happened. No evacuation necessary. Just identifying dental records. YES, this is serious business.

  84. I was informed moments ago that Maryland State Representatives will be contacting Piedmont on this matter.

  85. 11:00...sounds like one of Draper's posse..
    So these docs are untrue from the FAA??
    Go pour yourself another beer, loser..

  86. lmao at albero! that's your big news? You haven't even scratched the surface of the kinds of stuff that goes on out at that airport. Lot's of federal funds involved, state funds, etc. Run by a group of local good ol boys on the commission. some amazing sweetheart deals been cut out there over the years! But you'll need to file a FOIA and be prepared to be stalled at every point! Just follow the $. And you worry about the zoo! lmao lot's more money in aviation than zoos!

  87. To the 11:00 post. It's TOO late buddy. The truth is already out. I want to meet this mentally disturbed stew who made up this up. You are the only crazy dude here. Stop embarrassing yourself.

  88. Unbelievable 11:00. Shame on you for trying to blame the flight attendant for this dangerous act. I agree with you, Joe.

  89. 11:00 post. We all know you are a Piedmont Pilot. Please come forward immediately with the FACTS of this case. We are all waiting to hear the TRUTH.. oh wait a minute, Joe, reported the truth. A$$ wipe!!


  90. Newsworthy story but not to the extent suggested. Aside from his incredibly stupid actions the administrative safeguards seem to have worked properly. Company immediately suspended him for 30 days w/o pay. They paid to have the flight info captured and recreated to back up their actions. FAA got involved early on; the documents posted allude to earlier action by them restricting his licenses but don’t specify. 6 month revocation is stiff; is able to re-apply but will have numerous hoops to jump through to re-qualify; not an automatic.

    He’s basically committed career suicide (which is fine by me); other airlines will not risk hiring him down the road due to risk avoidance.

    All airline employees in USA dealing directly with safety are drug/alcohol tested before hiring and randomly thereafter. As this guy proved, can still be a jerk even if clean.

    SBY Flight Attendants are a very, very experienced group and brook no nonsense (they’re also onboard and don’t have access to controls).

    First Officers (co-pilots), under wrong circumstances, can be subject to pressure from Captains they fly with because they author reports that impact retention of probationary employees. Happens in schools, police, medicine, military, etc, too.

    Piedmont was early advocate for and participant in CRM (Crew Resources Management) advances designed in conjunction with FAA to make full use of both pilots’ skills, as opposed to traditional Captain is first and final say on all matters and First Officer should be seen but not heard. A different FO interviewed by FAA and shown here clearly speaks to Draper’s disregard of this concept in earlier avoidable situation.

    Sure bet both company and FAA spoke with the actual FO on the flight about what was going on. Saw comment above that FO on flight got six month FAA suspension; suggests strongly that once Draper was suspended he never flew for them again.

    Don’t know Draper, but also wondered about last name. Even if related it’s not reason, IMHO, why incident wasn’t made known at the time.

    Procedure to investigate and discipline was followed. Pilot was represented by his union, where all the reps are lawyers; any miscues in process open possibility of reinstating bad apple.

    Airport manager was hired, IIRC, before wife got TV gig; happened last century. He is responsible for grounds at airport not for in-flight actions of airline. Much as Ricky & Jimbo are incompetents this is not their doing or problem to fix.

    Dash-8 is a great airplane and Piedmont is world’s most experienced operator. Their corporate parent would have ultimate decision about new planes, and what models. Airline biz has been under lots of pressure past decade, and more. Airline planes have rigorous maintenance schedule so they can fly indefinitely; when newer models with much lower total operating costs are introduced is when fleet changes occur. DC-3s from the 1930s are still flying.

    Just saw note about MD Reps trying to look busy; misplaced effort. FAA and airline are responsible; jerk was fired and outside of Alaska or Africa bush operations nobody will hire him again. Why give another business a motive to curtail or relocate?

  91. don't worry 11:18. It's coming.

  92. Are you sure its the airport manager and a news anchor issue. WBOC (Draper holdings) Pilot last name Draper. Are they related. As a home owner not far from the mall and in the path of the airport am not happy. There are always low flying planes in our area. There better not be any more.

  93. Even a single engine private pilot would know that something like this is unacceptable and illegal. All professions have the good and bad. We see doctors prescribing drugs for drug addicts, lawyers stealing from old ladies estates, etc. Fortunately in most cases these people lose their license and that is what is suppose to happen. This pilot should never fly again.

  94. The flight attendant was along for the ride just like those 24 passengers. After something like that, I hope he/she got out of that freak show as fast as possible.

  95. I'll treat this as if Salisbury doesn't even have an airport any more.

  96. The only real issue here is whether or not there was a cover up by the local media. An incident happened and was dealt with by the airline and FAA in the proper manner.

  97. Did anyone else pick up on the landing gear portion of this. I have to wonder if the airline did immediate follow up inspections on the gear since his approach speed was beyond what the landing gear was designed to handle. Is this plane still flying?

  98. First I heard of this - I call this news - important news.

  99. 11:39: I couldn't agree more! Thank you!

  100. 11:51, REALLY, SERIOUSLY?

    I guess since your Husband/Wife/Son/Daughter wasn't on that plane your satisfied.

    Whoops, that's right, the people on the flight NEVER knew what they had been put through.

    SO, did the airline passengers get dealt with in a proper manner?????

  101. Shame on those who are trying to put the blame on the flight attendant. He or she has a right to work in a safe environment as we all do. If it were me I would seek legal action immediately and hopefully they will. This hot dog, Tom Cruise, Top Gun want a be should have the book thrown at him!

  102. I live near the airport and the county never reached out to residents around the airport that large planes were going to use it.Some of them barely get over my house.

  103. What do you suggest is done for the passengers on that flight? Flight coupon? cash? What were/are their injuries?

  104. According to my sources, aircraft 942 was over the Salisbury Mall at 493 feet with NO LANDING GEAR DOWN.

  105. 12:07, I wasn't on the flight. That decision SHOULD be made by those who were, yet the Airline allegedly never told them what had happened. That decision is not up to you or me.


  106. To 11:53

    Good catch, but I think gear were still up. Would have had extreme trouble climbing as he did with deployed gear.

    Enforcement language is designed to show that if he'd deployed gear at that speed it would be beyond design and operational specs; takes away any wiggle room on his part.

    Same for the altitude language since there are minimums, which he busted. And the Ground Proximity system alerted.

    Plus the numbskull was doing this at night, even given mall lights.

    Real jerk. Company & FAA handled well.

  107. 12:06, Did you not realize there was an airport in close proximity to your home when you bought it?

  108. 12:06,been there for 12 years only commuter planes and small jets uesd it until recently.

  109. Holy crap!!! This clown was flying at 245 knots? That equals 281.941miles per hour. He's lucky the landing gear didn't collapse.

  110. I think the owner of Bay Runner Shuttle is an ex us air or piedmont employee. I have taken the shuttle to bwi twice with retired pilots as drivers.This article makes me curious about his driving record IF it is true thats his new job. I would like to hear that Bay Runner has installed those "gizmos" that monitors a vehicles speed, etc in all their vans. I have never had a bad experience with Bay Runner they are the best but this article makes me question things. I solidly recommend Bay Runner

  111. Check out EddTheBrit online.

  112. Piedmont needs to fire this guy now. He is a big liability to the airline and passenger safety. Can you imagine if this guy was a Captain in a real emergency and something did happen for the worse. The press would be all over it. Piedmont and the FAA should let this guy go now, for lack of good judgement. I have been flying airplanes for over thirty years and have held numerous safety positions, so I have a lot of experience in aviation safety. At
    least bust this guy back to First Officer for 6 months. Aviation has no room for this type of behavior
    on the flight deck.

  113. Incident happened on Dec.21, 2012. Draper was fired March 28, 2013. First Officer currently employed at Piedmont.

  114. Is this your top news story you were talking about yesterday?

  115. 1:18, Yes JT, it is. What would you like to say next?

  116. Well, I wish someone would have said he was fired early on in the comment section. I guess it took a while
    for someone at Piedmont to grow a
    pair and speak up.

  117. this site is so full of self righteous people, I guess none of you never made a mistake. This guy lost his job. it's all over and done why bring it up now, are you trying to destroy him completely

  118. Actually 1:45, he destroyed himself.

  119. its a matter of public record 1:45pm

  120. I hope that US Air/Iedmont doesn't fold after this incident. The last thing Salisbury needs is yet another business closure. It was enough when Allegiant left, lord only knows what would happen if Piedmont announced its closure.

    Maybe that is why they kept such a tight lid on this incident - they didn't want to jeopardize another business closure. Pollitt probably instructed for them to keep a tight lip on this. If I were in his shoes I would do the same - as he is sinking fast in the polls.

  121. The local media is the demise of Salisbury...COVER EVERYTHING UP. WBOC/WMDT.

  122. Don't worry about Piedmont leaving, if they are making money they will stay. If they leave and there is money to be made in the business another airline will will take there place.

    It is amazing how this story was kept quite so long. That is why blog sites are necessary. MSM only tells us what they want us to know, not the real news.

  123. 1:45pm.. know the difference between a "mistake" and a crime. The "mistake" you are referring to was done many times, hence the name "Draper One Appoach". I agree, he chose to destroy himself and it is public record.

  124. What you should be more concerned about is the drone testing being done at PAX air force base. They lost one a while back in the Nanticoke River. Could easily have been over Salisbury or OC. These are not little gliders - 38' long 62' wingspan. Northrop Grumman X-47B.

  125. I don't think anyone wants to see this airline fold. I think they should take responsibily and fined for improper management practices for their lack of disclosure.

  126. WOW. I just got a minute to read this after getting several calls from friends. It's just unbelievable that things like this happen.
    I am convinced Mr. Draper was not the only pilot at Piedmont Airlines performing this dangerous stunt. Just the only one that got caught.

  127. I don't get it where's the cover up in this ? Don't get me wrong I clearly see people having issues with the way the pilot handled himself. To claim there was a cover up would lead one to think illegal activity was used. I't looks to me the situation was reported to the proper authority in this case the FAA. To state Mr. Bryant in some way was part of a cover up is just wrong. Unless you have prof of a cover up?

  128. it is not true to say Piedmont hasn't purchased a plane in 9 years. They haven't purchased a newplane in about TWENTY YEARS. The planes 9 yrs ago were used, and are leased not owned. Piedmont is a dinosaur. 37 seat planes have no place in the current market. So as the ancient DHC-8-100's reach the end of their service life, the parent company will shut Piedmont down and send everyone packing. The end is near- maybe a year or 2 away at best.

  129. He was fired and im sure the FAA did more than that. This happened over a year ago. Its done now.


  130. To 2:38

    With all due respect to accountants, most pilots are more boring and disciplined than accountants.

    The comments here from pilots have all decried Draper's actions.

  131. 11;18 here again Joe, first off Piedmont has such sweetheart deals on those hangars they already downsized all their employees. They currently have un licensed mechs doing the work since they cost less, then have a licensed mech come behind them and sign for their work. the -8's are old and no matter how much maint they can not fly forever. About 20 years a goa one of the mechs lifter a -8 off the ground on a hi speed taxi. the mech in the right seat put the aircraft back on the ground. again follow the money. Piedmont pays no landing fees, but you and I will pay to park, all those funds being moved around from account to account, hangar fees, etc. bet bobby is sweatin over these posts!

  132. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    WOW is right. It doesn't matter if it happens week.ago or.moth ago or year ago, this IS THE NEWS. Folks, let's make something cleat - Would It Not Be for Joe & Sbynews, We the People would not ever known about this incident. The fact is WBOC, WMDT and Daily Slime all had REPORTED NOTHING about this. Do you really think no-one was aware of this? And for those saying "Aahh, well safety of the passengers was not in jeopardy", just need to stop. Would you feel the same way if your loved one was on that plane?

  133. To bad someone cant stop the wboc helicopter from buzzing nearby neighborhoods at tree top high. There are no laws in wic co to stop low flying aircraft and protect citizens. Spoke with FCC about it and my co council rep., its not just a nuisance, its dangerous.

  134. It wasn't reported because Piedmont did not want it reported. The one BIG point that people seem to be ignoring is this. WHAT THIS PILOT DID WAS AGAINST THE LAW.
    No one can defend what he did. He should have rented himself a plane and performed his own air show. But, DON'T BRING 24 PEOPLE WITH YOU who put their trust in you for a safe flight home.

  135. Not really the block buster I was hoping for.

  136. What matters is that the pilot was performing an illegal approach. Compare to a doctor performing an illegal surgery, a lawyer violating a client privilege, a CPA cheating on a tax return, etc. They are all illegal acts and the consequences should always be a loss of license.

  137. Gee, now I wonder what that loud boom was from a while ago near Ocean City. Martians?

  138. Would it have been a block buster if your wife or husband had been on that flight??

  139. If Salisbury loses another business, the residents are toast. I can remember when Piedmont was late in paying their hangar rent, now Pollitt floats a bond offering to renovate the entire structure.

    What about the portable stairs that Bryant purchased for Allegiant. How much did that cost Wicomico taxpayers. Go look at the portable stairway now - do you see it out back of the main terminal building. We have a stairway to nowhere - and I'm sure it cost the taxpayers a boatload.

  140. This explains alot. this must have been the *ss that was doing donuts over my roof last Thursday night about 20 over it with the red light on the bottom that was flashing.

  141. No different than the guy who worked at a dealership and wrecked a customers brand new ride. The dealer and driver were held accountable. In this case the airline and pilot are responsible. I wonder if that major airline will now withdraw from purchasing peidmont?

    1. Obama.Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 8:02 PM

      4:52 it may seem to be a similar situation, but the employee who wrecked the customers car was alone. The pilot of the plane had 24 passengers and crew on board - which makes Big Difference in court of law. It would be like the School Bus Driver doing donuts in the middle of the highway with bus full of kids. Im not supprised Piedmont decided to hush hush and sweep it under the rug, they certainly knew it would hurt their reputation and business.

  142. I'm so lucky , I have a wonderful family , a #1 son , 5 granddaughters , 1 great granddaughter. Life has been so good to me , God is good , his mercy is ever lasting and his truth endures through all generations. We are so blessed , thank God every day. Wayne E.

  143. Only manner of time American Eagle commuter jets. Some of the props leases are expiring.

  144. To the very people who complained in comments that this information is old, so was the multiple and illegal activities that were going on at the Waste Water Treatment Plant almost 10 years ago when I started Salisbury News. Once we discovered it, we exposed it. Instead, (however) back then I was doing everything possible to get ALL of the news media to join me in my findings and they wrote me off for weeks until the story hit the main stream media. Similar to the article just as many years ago about THOUSANDS of animals that had died at the Salisbury Zoo, all documented and proven, yet the local main stream media refused to talk about it.

    You'd think that after almost 10 years they'd come to realize that one little guy who started a Blog just because they wouldn't publish the TRUTH would one day become even larger than they are and more powerful.

    I ask each and every one of you, have you EVER seen 140+ comments on ANY article any one of them have done, EVER?

    So you nay sayers can come on here all you want and your only complaint is that the information is old. Well, how come YOU aren't complaining to WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times as to WHY are aren't covering it at all, still, 10 years later, (in some cases).

    I also love when I step away from the computer for a couple hours and JT comes on here with an anonymous comment because someone published a story about a fire somewhere and the local media beat me to it. I'm telling you, it cracks me up to no end. Here we break just about EVERY single big story on the Eastern Shore while the MSM copies what we do and never give us credit, yet their viewers are laughing at them because EVERY ONE knows where they got it.

    JT, let me just say this to you. When and IF the local media gets something before I do, I actually publish their article with their LOGO at the top and a LINK to the article. Now, if you ever want to know how many times we've done it just go to the search bar on my Site and type in, "Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due" and you'll see just how many times we've proven to be far more professional than ANY of the rest of the local media.

  145. Joe - I have come to realize that most all of the other MSM including the following; The Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT, don't recognize what news needs to be covered. Most of them are hanging on by a thread, and many of their reporters and office personnel aren't even privy to real news occurrences.

    And when they are privy - they refuse to go there for fear of retribution.

    That's what makes SBYnews so unique.

  146. I just walked in the door from a long day on the job. The last couple of weeks I've about killed myself with overtime to pay for our family Easter trip to Disney. It won't be on Piedmont Airlines.

  147. 5:44 if you really want to get there safe and sound drive to bwi and fly southwest. You'll be glad you did.
    now for JT and the others the reason the msm doesn't do these story's is because they are all in bed together. they all get tax breaks from the local governments as long as they don't piss off the wrong people! Is that plain enough for ya's? like him or hate him Joe does shine a spotlight on all the bs that goes on around here that others would like to keep hidden!

  148. Good thing I was not the flying waitress (really)! I would have feed him his balls. Oh wait he doesn't have any. If his family sees this article I'm sure they are real proud of him.

  149. Let me say this to you, Albero. I have proof of your racist and homophobic comments you approve on a daily basis. You will NEVER be able to win a public office. Thamks for the easy fodder.

  150. JT, That's OK, I don't need a GOVERNMENT paycheck, unlike you. As for the published homophobic and racist comments, JT clearly doesn't believe in Americans First Amendment Rights.

  151. I hope this information gets to Chesley Sullenberger (International speaker on Airline Safety).

    I bet Richard Henson is rolling in his grave!!!!!

    Mr. Drapper I hope you remember your selfish actions everyday.

  152. A little over a year ago we were were departing from Charlotte to Salisbury. All of a sudden a loud crash sound came from the back of the plane while it was backing away from the terminal. It sounded like the plane hit something and for sure just knew we were going nowhere anytime soon. What was strange that the crew did not make an announcement of what happened ; and a little "reassurance" that the plane was fine and not to worry. Off we went and made it back to Salisbury on time....just sayin.

  153. 332PM- why would you call the FCC? They have absolutely nothing to do with aviation.

  154. Whats the big deal? He descended to 500 feet. So what -- He has to come down sooner or later since the airport is about 2 miles away from the mall. As for the media--this is a matter between the FAA and Piedmont. Nothing to do with the airport, wboc or whoever. Last time I checked, the airport doesn't control the flight ops of Piedmont airlines. And for all those who complain that JOe needs to tell FOX and CNN. Are you kidding me??? Whats he going to tell thim. "hey guys-a dumb ass pilot" buzzes his friends house on landing approach". Yea-thats REALLY newsworthy. geez. get a life. If the facts are true, then the FAA and Piedmont will deal with it accordingly. The airport has nothing to do with it and thats the end of the story. period.

  155. US Airways Express- or whatever they're calling themselves this week- policy is to hide, deny and stonewall any negative stories, Look what they did when a flying waitress kicked a bling man off a flight for no good reason alittle while back. Heck, look how the Colgan Air crash was handled.

  156. All of us in aviation remember Dick Henson. He IS rolling over in his grave with what has happened to the Airline he
    loved. Dick would have fired that crew the SECOND he found out what they were doing with one of his planes. He loved our passengers like they were family.
    RIP Dick Henson.

  157. Obama.Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    I don't know about this guy J.T. - seems to be miserable and paranoid. Maybe he knows something how to "influence" the voters or voting machines. Or maybe he is a head of KGB? Never say Never.

  158. 634 Jt keep giving joe 100 hits a day its more than you get in a week Fool.

  159. The only reporting that Piedmont was required to do was to the necessary authorities which they did. FAA and NTSB. It is not required that they report it to news agencys or blogs. Procedure was followed plain and simple.

  160. I know a woman that worked for Piedmont/USAir and when she exposed that the Mechanic's were not getting drug tested at all, she was fired. The airplane mechanics are still late on those urine tests!

  161. JT, I'm a fataphobic, a moochaphobic, a ebtaphobic, a section8aphobic, a welfareaphobic and a freeloaderaphobic.

    Did I mention I'm also a proud republican.

  162. Joe great reporting. This sit soley on the shoulders of the idiot that was flying the aircraft. Stop bust Joe's, Bryant's, Pollitt's, ect.....balls. They had nothing to do with this dumb ass doing such a stupid stunt. The Salisbury Hub is a crap assignment for pilots with U.S. Air. I could get drunk breathing the same air as most of U.S. Airs employees. It is truly sad why so much substance abuse out there.

    Hey Sheriff Lewis why no k-9 scans of Bay Land and Salisbury Airport. There are some convicted felons working around the joint. I guarantee dope come in through those facilities. Bay land has no checks and balances. hint hint

  163. 362 published comments so far today, 165 of them on this Post alone. Heck, that's almost what the Daily Times gets in one year, isn't it? Yeah, I'd say my sources made the right choice when it comes to exposing the Piedmont Airline information.

  164. Just wondering....Did Piedmont disclose to the FAA or did the FAA step in because Piedmont was trying to cover up what happened? Confused about the 30 day suspension of Capt turned into total Revocation of his licenses. My airline experience tells me Airlines never willingly disclose anything to the FAA.
    Nice try.

  165. Obama.Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 8:28 PM

    6:53 Are you serious? The pilot descended the plane below 500 feet and rhat is an illegal manouver to say at least. If you read the documents provided, there are other violations as well. Piedmont knew it and they suspended the guy. Was there.a reason for.him to make such a.manouver? Was the safety of 24 passengers at risk at any point of their travel? Good questions for a lawyer?considering people suing McDonalds for spilling hot coffee in their lap nowadays.

  166. 8:28, If you read ALL of the documents you'll see that a Flight Attendant was off work and shopping at the Mall when she saw the plane going down. They immediately called the FAA right then and there from their cell phone. That's how it first got reported.

    Another eye witness is the Daughter of another Flight Attendant who witnessed the very same thing in the Mall parking lot and called her Mother in a panic to see if she was on that flight, thinking it was going to crash.

  167. Obama.Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 8:39 PM

    Ok Joe, no need to be bragging - you may cause J.T. to have a heart attack or over-eating disorder.

  168. 7:10 seriously? dick Henson was no angel. that's why he had his idiot nephew farrow running things. Think he still is out there. total moron! Dick was in such bad shape towards the end the faa finally had to step in and mandate he fly that little missle of a lear jet with a co-pilot just in case he had some type of medical issue and took out someones house or worse. he paid his employees peanuts, they couldn't even afford to join the ymca that he put his name on!

  169. 8:39, At the end of this story I asked the public if this was news. Clearly it is. Clearly the public is outraged. Clearly the rest of the MSM will continue to cover this up. HOWEVER, they can go look on line and see our stats for the day and sh!t a brick because NONE of them have EVER turned numbers like we have today.

    It's funny though. Whenever they don't want to cover a big story Salisbury News put out first, they get pressured to do so and they call whomever we've exposed and use the excuse, it was on the Blog and we're doing a follow up. The County salaries are a god example of that and the Daily Times followed up on our story. GOOD FOR THEM. It was important for the public to be aware.

    Now you have to ask yourself, is this story important enough for them to follow up on AND will they give credit where credit is due?

  170. Obama.Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 9:03 PM

    Well. Im not sure if they would publicly admit to give credit to you Joe, but I know they will be forced to "mention"this story due to overwhelming public response and outrage over this.

    1. Obama.Crooked BastardoMarch 3, 2014 at 9:14 PM

      Maybe they make it their Headline News 5 or 6 days from now, like they normaly do.

  171. This story got more comments than the Hebron Savings Bank Scam. By the way, what ever happened to anyone involved in that? Over $600,000 in fraud loans?

  172. Their so screwed up at US Air they can't even remember to look at who is supposed to be using flight benefits and who is not. I know a woman the got fired from there and her and her husband continue to fly for free everywhere! Her husband is even on a "No Fly" list, but since she is a past employee they let him on! FAA should look into this and also the sweeping under the rug of wealthy passengers trying to smuggle on guns! This has happened many times, yet US Air lets it go, they tell them to put the gun in their car.

  173. 200 comments please...

  174. Obama omalley ireton stomping on America.March 3, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    Obama only stands his ground when it comes too destroying the American way of Life...

  175. 8:40 - Your sentence structure is poor, your punctuation is worse. Your spelling isn't bad but you should learn when to capitalize. All that can be overlooked. The lies you told cannot.

    Mr. Henson was tough but fair. He had the respect of many, in and out of aviation. Farrow is not an idiot nor a moron. When I was there, no one worked longer or harder than he did. The FAA did not "step in" on Mr. Henson. Well into his 80's, he walked three miles every day before work, where he was sharp as a tack. Reviewing the payroll and financial statements were part of my job. He paid his employees well, but not excessively. The fringe benefits package was pretty nice. The regional airline industry was very competitive, and payroll is a big part of it. I managed to buy a new car, pay off my credit cards, build a new house, hold a membership at the YMCA (and another club), and afford a fair entertainment budget while working there. Your short paragraph was one lie after another.

  176. Is this news? YES, and if spray painting a speed camera is front page news for the DT then certainly an aircraft flying over the mall at 493 feet should be front page news. The folks that are so concerned about speeders exceeding 15MPH should be outraged by a airplane doing 300+MPH over the city.

  177. 9:20PM-The woman convicted in the HSB heist is in federal prison until September of 2014. Occasionally justice is served. That is another case as I recall that the MSN was afraid to touch. Joe broke that story as well as I recall.

    It's been my experience that the MSN only wants to reprint court documents and never really do any investigative work on their own.

  178. I know the guy on the "No Fly" list, he is a registered Sex Offender that is married to her, she is also a nurse at PRMC. He is not allowed in there because of his record, he has to drop off her lunch outside. She worked for Piedmont and then US Air. Yes, she was fired over 6 years ago, for incompetence and insubordination. She was asked by FAA investigators about drug testing data, and she refused to cooperate with their investigation, so US Air had to fire her. But yes, they still fly free!

  179. As a former employee of Henson/Piedmont Airlines, I have to step in to say a few words. Mr. Henson offered me a job back in the late 70's at the Hagerstown Regional Airport; later to be transferred to Salisbury at my request as I always loved the Eastern Shore. Many years later I am still living here, raised a family and operated my own business - something I probably would not have done if I would not had the opportunity that Mr. Henson gave to me. I always respected him (yes he was tough at times on his employees) but that is what it takes sometimes to run an airline/business and incidents like the "Draper One" would have never happened with Mr. Henson at the realm. I too was able to live comfortable working for Mr. Henson and what better place to work back then when we could "fly for free" with our families and see the world that many people living here on the shore never even made it past the Bay Bridge in those days. Just because one guy made an incompetent decision that thank goodness did not harm/hurt anyone is not a reason to "trash" a company that has provided many jobs over the years and for many was a "stepping stone" to move onto the Big Guys! Focus on the positive side that no one was injured in this incident!

  180. Thank you 10:29pm. I also knew Henson to be a tough but fair businessman who poured his heart and soul into building this business and the community. Shame some folks just like to tear people down.

  181. 10:29 wow! Glad to hear you made out so well! tell that one to the employees who were making between $8 and $12 an hour pulling all nighter's while you were in bed sleeping! I personally don't give a rats @ss about you or Henson or sentence structure. I only care about the facts and they are as I stated. farrow is an idiot and Henson was mandated to have a FO in later years, and the vast majority of his employees could not even afford to join the Y. Hell the flight attendants and FO's could apply for welfare cause he paid them so little!
    You sir are a liar and an idiot!

  182. This is shocking.. but it appears that the FAA and other governing authorities investigated and took disciplinary action.. I am not sure I would put this in the category of a cover-up... incident occur, incident investigated, action taken

  183. How would this be a cover up by the airport? They do not manage or run the airline. The airline is a tenant at the airport. It is the airline's problem to deal with and take the apropriate action. So let's put the blame where it belongs...with the airline.

  184. When my father died in Florida in '94, Mr. Henson was flying down there and offered me a ride. I didn't take it but the offer was much appreciated.

  185. Action was taken only due to a force of hand. The Caption was still flying after this incident and when finally taken off the line and recieved a pay check. If this was you or I we would be asked to gather or belongings and escorted off the premises.

  186. I have to agree with 732AM. The incident occurred, it was investigated from reading the documents that were attached to this breaking news story, the Pilot lost his job and will pay for that mistake Big Time, The passengers and crew/bystanders were not injured in any way from what I am reading, the passengers were not even aware of what was going on inside the plane. Sounds like a disgruntled employee(s) trying to hit the jackpot!

  187. I'm stepping in at this point because many, (if not all) of you are not aware that someone was injured on this particular flight. More to come...

  188. To 7:58 hit what jackpot?? Did I miss something here?? From what I've read
    here, this was a common practice among their pilots. All this stuff on here is public record for me and everyone to see. Not really a big secret.

  189. 7:27 - It seems Mr. Henson has some supporters here, yet there is one lone-nut troll here whose posts contain only lies and rhetoric; and when confronted, resorts to repeating the lies and then name-calling. Typical liberal, businesssman-hating tactics...It's one thing to bad-mouth the dead, but to distort the truth and tell outright lies about them is pretty low indeed.

  190. Disgruntled employees at Piedmont Airlines???? You have NO idea! Moral is probably the lowest it's been in years.
    Anyone and everyone who has ever worked there is miserable. The crew members all party like they are at a frat party. The people they have in Management were probably flipping burgers before they got there. I hope that "jackpot" you are talking about gets divided among all of us "disgruntled employees". Because there are a lot to share the big jackpot.

  191. After this article, I believe the public knows a lot more about the inner workings at our local Salisbury/Wicomico/OC airport. Most of which has been swept under the rug.

  192. I think the point was that the local news outlets never reported this serious incident, not that anyone else intentionally covered it up. Other news outlets, especially Daily times, seem to only report news that has been obtained from public documents. They never seem to seek out stories of this nature. Thanks to this blog site we actually know what is happening in our area.

  193. I agree with 9:15. How can Piedmont or anyone for that matter, dispute what has happened? It is ALL FACT based!
    I have read all these comments and this is how I feel about it. Piedmont should have self disclosed to the public this
    "Barn Storming" display and released a statement saying it had been dealt with.
    Instead, they chose to not say anything and pray that the hundreds of people who knew about this would not keep talking about it.

  194. It's almost hilarious what the Daily Times prints. I only look at the online version but today they informed us that it snowed and Putin took over the Ukraine. I was aware of both yesterday.

    Maybe next week they will report on an aircraft flying low over the mall.

  195. I hope that after all of this disclosure the focus can shift back to where it belongs ...Safety!! We all deserve to know that when we step on board an aircraft , take our seat, and buckle our seatbelts, roll down the runway knowing that our life is in the hands of crew we can not see behind a locked door, that they are doing everything possible to get us to our destination SAFELY!!!!


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