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Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Maryland Transgender Bill

Mr. Joe,

It has come to my attention there is a Bill in Maryland Senate regarding the Transgenders. The Bill itself gives Transgender people "right" to use any public bathrooms as they feel, Men's or Women's. This is outrageous and Democrats are pushing this and public is unaware of it.

I would like to ask you to post this on your blog and maybe if you can find some additional info about it.

I feel as it is our responsibility to let public know.


  1. How about the mayor and MoJos.

  2. So, which public bathroom will transgenders use? One that follows their outward appearance as male or female, or one that follows their current plumbing arrangement? How will this be enforced?

  3. Apparently, it's whatever you want to "identify" yourself as...
    Anytime "fairness" is mentioned anywhere, a special group is being awarded rights being stolen from the majority.
    From a WP article:
    "The legislation — called the Fairness for All Marylanders Act of 2014 — bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and sexual identity but includes an exemption for religious organizations, private clubs and educational institutions. It defines gender in terms of a person’s consistent and sincere expression of sexual identity based on appearance, expression or behavior, regardless of biological sex at birth.

    Opponents raised concerns that sex offenders might take advantage of the law to steal into a bathroom of the opposite sex. Others warned that the law would subject people to embarrassing invasions of privacy from transgender people in locker rooms or restrooms."

  4. I will beat your head inMarch 15, 2014 at 4:33 PM

    Climb back in your Hole Pervert...


  5. This just cries out for a shovel ready jobs program, which will end confusion and provide clarity.

    All public restrooms must now have a third set of facilities, marked with a ' ? '. Those confused or finding themselves can use the new restrooms.

    In the interim they can get free vests from DMV emblazoned with 'Gender in Transition' so they don't cause panic in Ladies rooms or fistfights in the Gents.

    only partially in sarc/

  6. this state has gone nuts! the damn democrats have made everything that is sensible illegal and every perversion legal! wtf is wrong with these people?

  7. How has this this state attracted so many freaks? It used to be a nice place to live. So full of liberal freak friendlies

  8. No doubt one of the reasons Western Maryland wants to secede.

  9. 5:27, anyone like that comes in my restroom, I'll take their picture with that shovel!


  10. If I see one of these perverts in a public bathroom, I'm calling the police.


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