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Friday, March 07, 2014

2M+ People Now Without Unemployment Benefits

James Orr is already doing everything an unemployed person is supposed to do. Six months after the contract at his last job expired, he’s still doggedly applying for openings in his field across the country. As a long-time IT professional, he already has the technical skills which employers are ostensibly so hungry for.

Orr, 55, is not the victim of any so-called “skills gap,” and he doesn’t lack the incentive to work. Instead, like millions of other jobless Americans, he’s the victim of economic realities which have barely changed since the 2008 financial collapse. And his situation, along with the situation of over 2 million other unemployed workers, has only become more perilous since Congress failed to renew long-term unemployment benefits in late December.

“I’m living on the edge here, man,” Orr told msnbc. “It’s crazy, but life happens.”



  1. I worked in I.T for over 25 years. I also have the skills, but those jobs have been sent to countries like India. Those jobs are gone and they are not coming back due to our government's policy's with fair trade deals. He needs to stop being a baby and get something similar to what he did like a clerical job. Face the reality, you are over fifty! The high paying jobs are going. You'll have to get by on less. I did just that and down sized my life. So he needs to suck it up, and hope for better days!!!

  2. during the great depression we had soup kitchens, now we have unemployment and food stamp benefits that last into eternity so folks like this cry baby don't have to get off there butt. maybe if he had no other choice but to go to a shelter he would go out and get a job. sounds harsh but it is reality

  3. Poor man. I'm in the same boat. When you need help, it's not there for you. The government didn't have a problem with taking your hard working tax money and give it to all those single momma who continue to have babies out of wedlock and illegal immigrants with their anchor babies and assistance them with all the freebie government programs while you were working. Now, you need assistant and the federal and state government won't help you. What is wrong with this picture?

  4. Reformed Progressive from Salisbury StateMarch 7, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    I agree with both comments above...

  5. Vote another democrat into office and then we can destroy the county and be done with it.


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