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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

20 Stunning Facts On The US Retail Apocalypse

If the U.S. economy is getting better, then why are major retail chains closing thousands of stores? If we truly are in an "economic recovery", then why do sales figures continue to go down for large retailers all over the country? Without a doubt, the rise of Internet retailing giants such as Amazon.com have had a huge impact. Today, there are millions of Americans that actually prefer to shop online. Personally, when I published my novel I made it solely available on Amazon. But Internet shopping alone does not account for the great retail apocalypse that we are witnessing. In fact, some retail experts estimate that the Internet has accounted for only about 20 percent of the decline that we are seeing. Most of the rest of it can be accounted for by the slow, steady death of the middle class U.S. consumer. Median household income has declined for five years in a row, but all of our bills just keep going up. That means that the amount of disposable income that average Americans have continues to shrink, and that is really bad news for retailers.

And sadly, this is just the beginning. Retail experts are projecting that the pace of store closings will actually accelerate over the course of the next decade.

So as you read this list below, please take note that things will soon get even worse.

The following are 20 facts about the great U.S. retail apocalypse that will blow your mind...

#1 As you read this article, approximately a billion square feet of retail space is sitting vacant in the United States.



  1. Can anyone say Obamacare!

  2. Worst president in the history of the U.S.!

  3. There are always the people who can afford to eat out 4-5 times a week and buy clothes, shoes, and jewelry at will. But for most middle class working families, keeping up with electric, groceries, gas, and other bills (that are ALAWYS increasing), precludes them from considering an $80 meal at Longhorn Steak House. One mistake for THEM, even a flat tire, will bust the budget. But it IS, of course, THEIR OWN FAULT for gas at $3.50 a gallon and a cart of groceries being $300. Damn them and their need for more than $8 an hour.
    Don't they know that these CEO's are down to their last 100 million?
    The economic (and social) apocalypse is coming. Like a freight train. Try hiding behind a Mine resistant Ambush protected vehicle. There's bound to be one close by....

  4. The internet shopping will close most retail stores and companies like Walmart,Staples ,Bestbuy,etc all know it.

  5. He was not my candidate of choice on multiple levels, but Mitt Romney would have returned Americans to work. Those who voted chose a corrupt incompetent who had already had one failed term in office. This economic disaster was elected.


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