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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Your Imperialistic Leader’s Pen Is Burning A Hole In His Pocket

Get ready, as our imperialistic leader President Barack Obama is determined to make a push either with or without Senate approval–threatening colleagues earlier this year that he has “a pen” and knows how to use it.

That’s right, Obama does not need approval really for anything as Executive Orders can be signed at any time. And trust me he is fully prepared to do just that. “Still, the president will have to convince Americans, considering a recent ABC poll shows that 59 percent of them disapprove of how ObamaCare has been implemented, and to counter Republicans’ midterm election strategy of singling out and defeating Democrats who backed the law.”, reported Fox News. With 59% of Americans disapproving his health plan the moment, it’s needless to say the pimp daddy himself shall leave no stone unturned during and after the coming speech.

It’s a shame the way the government is set up now. As I explained earlier, with the stroke of a pen, Obama is essentially a supreme dictator over the United States looking at it in laymen’s terms. In fact Obama has signed more Executive Orders than any other sitting president of the United States, making him more of a tyrant than some of the worst dictators on the planet.



  1. Racist, fact-challenged post.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 2, 2014 at 1:16 AM

    9:54 Really? I don't see ANY MENTION OF RACE in this article. Well, since you mention the race into this , look up the definition of word MULATO. I prefer CROOKED BASTARD, which BTW is not Racist.


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