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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Will Obama Help Men Who Are Eggshell White Find Jobs?

President Obama is launching a new initiative to help young men of color. It’s called My Brother’s Keeper.

The President told Charles Barkley in a television interview last night that he wants create special educational, mentorship and apprenticeship programs – for a specific segment of the population.

“We’re going to pull together private philanthropies, foundations working with governors, mayors non-profits and we’re going to focus on young men of color and find ways in which to create more pathways to success for them,” the president told Barkley.

He said he wants to expose young men of color to career options that could pay as much as $35 an hour.

“Across the board from the time they’re young all the way to their first job, we want to help more young African-American men and Latino men succeed,” he said.



  1. Sounds racist to me. Discrimination against white people. Pure and simple. I am 61 years old and have been discriminated against all of my life because of affirmative action. Whenever I applied for a job they had to hire a number of minorities before they could hire one white male.

  2. Just spreading it around people. What a racist pos.

  3. Hmmmmm....is the considered being a racist?

  4. People are always saying us white southern confederates are a bunch of Racists, yet here it is right in your face, pure Racism, and no one will do sh@# about it!

  5. Racism at it's worst sponsored by Obama.
    Privilege for skin color alone without any measure of deserving or working for it.
    We have seen 30 years or more of these programs yet blacks continue to fall behind whites, Asians and Hispanics.
    Obviously it does not work. Nothing can instill a work ethic.

  6. He doesn't have to help the white men because they are the ones working to support all the black men who won't. The modern slaves are the working white men and women.

  7. First you decry the rate of black teen unemployment and black unemployment in general when it suits your anti-Obama "he hasn't done anything for blacks" narrative. Then when he announces something to attack the problem head on, he's racist. lol. Just more of the "damned if you do, damned if you dont" GOP upside-down world of political thought.

  8. Racist all the way! 10:15 PM, that is very true, they get hired every time, and most of the time they barely meet minimum qualifications, but the color of their skin gets them the job. This has been going on for years, and yes it is very, very wrong but what Obama is doing now is just in your face racism - the white half of him got lost somewhere.

  9. this is just another form of affirmative action and all it does it keep companies from hiring the most qualifying people for the job. all it does is make them hire the lazy people of color and that is the truth.I have been passed over for many jobs and promotions because affirmative action and employer had to hire the lazy people of color.some of the all they would do is punch their time card and go home only to return in time to punch out. or they would get one of their friends to do it for them and they were neverfired because of affirmative action. how is that not racist?

  10. Yeah poor downtrodden white man ain't got a chance in this world. Lord help him...

  11. Color should have never entered his conversation or this program. All people can use this type program/training.....may the best man/woman win.

  12. Along with 10:15, I have seen government opportunities that I was qualified for given to minorities - and they even told me that there was a quota to fill - why did I bother applying?...

    I would like to see the results thirty years down the road - but I am afraid that it would be even more disappointing.

    With all the gimme's that this group has received at the expense of truly qualified applicants, this problem should no longer exist...the fact that it does speaks volumes about the validity of affirmative action!

  13. Wall Street Banks and the Rockefeller Foundation are his true Masters.

    If he wants to help all of America he needs to resign..shuttle off into the Sunset and take Eric Holder and George Soros with him..he can take Air Force One too..just stay away.

  14. 7:42 So racism is okay?

  15. Try sunless tanning lotion.

  16. "Yeah poor downtrodden white man ain't got a chance in this world."

    Yeah, that's the ticket, 7:42! Roll out your racist stereotype to buttress your intolerance and prejudice. You must be a democrat.

  17. Have we had enough yet???

  18. So maybe now black men can find out what it's like to work and support other black men who refuse to work.

  19. Part of the chip that blacks carry on themselves is seeded in the truth they know. They get gifts created by the Gov to go to the front of the line, to get to cry about something that happened to their heirs 150 years ago, with the never ending fairness explanation. They know they get ahead of others not on the content of their character, but on the color of their skin. And that makes them guilty and angry. Right now in 2014, being a poor white male is the worst place to be.

  20. I guess I missed all those Black World Bankers and Stock Brokers running off with my money. No my friend it was White men in nice suits that ran off with my money. The likes of Madoff and E-trade. Nope not one Black guy anywhere. Cry about the crook period. O has done nothing for anyone other then himself and Michelle. Just another puppet getting rich. Just for the record my Whiate A** got taken by White dudes lol. Who cares what color they are. Criminals are colorless as far as I am concerned.


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