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Friday, February 07, 2014

Widow Of Fallen Cop Blocked From Testifying On Obama DOJ Pick, DA Joins Criticism

The Philadelphia district attorney is speaking out against President Obama's nominee for a top Justice Department post, saying his link to the case of a convicted cop killer "sends a message of contempt" to police -- as the widow of the fallen officer is apparently denied the chance to testify.

Maureen Faulkner, whose husband Daniel Faulkner was killed in 1981, was hoping to speak publicly on the case before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which plans to vote Thursday on the nomination of Debo Adegbile to lead the Civil Rights Division.


1 comment:

  1. Your "leaders". And the police, who are the violent strong-arm enforcers (and PROTECTORS!) for these slimy weasels should be outraged.
    "Should" being the operative word here.....
    They must feel about the same way a slave felt when ordered to water the horse of a slave catcher who just mangled another slave. Better just to act happy and thrilled to have a job, even if the master thinks you are worm dung. Its not long before you don't have any pride or self-respect left. You know what I'm sayin'....


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