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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Wicomico's Rudderless Ship - Letter to the Editor

Hello Joe, I've been watching some re-runs of Gilligan's Island recently. In the introduction it shows the boat in a storm with the Skipper and Gilligan  both turning the helm trying to control the boat. No matter what they do the boat crashes anyway. Well after reading your article about a leading county employee having some alcohol issues it struck me that this is the same problem we've been having in Wicomico County. We are a leaderless county with major problems with the people at the helm. 

The Skipper, like our County Exec, is a very likeable guy. However, no mater what the Skipper tries to do he simply can not get his boat off the island. Just as our County Exec has tried for years to get this county going in the right direction he has shown that he has simply not been able to accomplish the task. And it's not like he hasn't had the tools.

When the citizens voted in a Democrat as County Exec to control the everyday functions of the county they also elected a super majority Republican County Council as a system of checks and balances. It should have worked out real well. However, instead of acting as a system of checks and balances our super majority council has given our County Exec everything he's wanted for years in 4-3 votes in throwing every kind of life-jacket  to him in the form of new taxes, increased taxes new and increased fees and spending. 

Our County Exec has even received more funding (life-jackets) than he's requested with extra funds for education. Our boat is now sinking deeper into the sand. In one episode it shows the Skipper and Gilligan trying to patch the holes in the boat with some crates that floated up. Didn't work. 

In Wicomico County our County Exec is going to try and shore up the recent 3.4 million dollar revenue shortage by merging funds from Transportation into the General Fund. This reminds me of what I recently wrote about the Governor taking funds from our Teacher's Pension Fund then putting it into the General Fund to be transferred to the Rapid Rail Fund.  Again I expect another 4-3 vote but there will come a time, and I believe it will be soon, when the life-jacket locker will be empty. I know Mr. Pollitt is counting on the disparity grant to help him but I wouldn't count on it. It looks like the Governor is leaving the kitty with very little in it when he leaves. I also believe Mr. Pollitt is looking for new revenues in a county gas tax and perhaps a county sales tax. Let's see how Mr. Conway and Cane will vote on this. How do you readers believe they'll vote on these issues?
There is also an area of leadership that I would like to comment on. This is when you have to do something that you really don't want to do. If Mr. Pollitt has a member of his staff who is having problems with alcohol then it's up to him to see that this person gets the help he needs. There is no shame in this. Alcohol can have serious consequences. If his staff member had cancer there is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Pollitt would be one of the first to offer assistance. I've had personal experiences in the military where some of my men have had problems in this area. After proper help each one of these men returned back to do duty to continue their naval career. I truly hope that if this problem exists in his staff that he steps up and takes appropriate action.
As I've said before, this election should be about issues in our County and State. Let's make it so. What issues do you want to be addressed in this coming election? Put them in Salisbury News and let everyone read and comment on them.
John Palmer, Delmar, Md.


  1. Another rudderless ship is the Republican Central Committee.

  2. If we ever get away from all the good ole boy system, hold people accountable and use good sound business practices, this ship could get back on course.

  3. It is uttery disgraceful to take what little money is for roads and constantly use it to pay for over-paid, lazy county workers.. why not cut 5% of pay--off the top and see what that does..

    Just screw the roads.. always and watch them just deteriorate

    What will happen next year.. when it drops again.. there will not be any roads money..

    Idiots.. don't look for cuts across the board..

  4. I think jobs should be the main issue. While jobs are easy to make an issue, the problem lies with a solution.
    Sorry to inform the democrats, but they created this mess. The mindset was as long as we have the college, the hospital and chickens no need to worry about other industry closing and/or leaving the area. These chickens have come home to roost and now poverty, high unemployment and foreclosures abound due to the mindset of focusing on the "positive" and ignoring and being complacent to the "negatives.". The democrat playbook reads to give the people a bone to run with. Example includes the Sby New Year's Eve celebration. 1000 people showed up Downtown and the businesses saw unprecedented receipts for the evening. While that's wonderful there are 364 other days out of the year.
    Democrats possess no forward thinking skills. It's all about the moment and throwing people a bone to satisfy them for the momentarily.

  5. This why we should question the type of businesses we have downtown. There is no draw.

  6. Thank you John Palmer for this post. I thank God for Joe Holloway, my councilman, as he has consistently voted to help the good taxpayers of this county. He's always looking for ways to make our county strong and solvent, but doesn't get help from anyone else. Others on the council have been hit and miss on their votes, but he has been consistent.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Another rudderless ship is the Republican Central Committee.

    January 26, 2014 at 9:17 AM

    I concur.

    1. Lets hold them accountable. Where are their great candidates? Gee let's see? Embarrassing. Right, right right off the cliff! And Bob Culver? Unelectable? I think so but November will tell. Thanks for letting this Republican express his frustration with the RCC. You don't speak for the party John Palmer! And neither does Monoblogger who gets behind every whackado who says they are running for Gov. with no funds to beat a Dem. winning is the endgame guys! Please replace these RCC failures! Joe you hit the nail on the head local means the RCC they are failures!

  8. Anonymous said...
    This why we should question the type of businesses we have downtown. There is no draw.

    January 26, 2014 at 10:35 AM

    It's an Arts and Entertainment district. There is no money in arts and entertainment and it has been proven for the many years that downtown has been arts and entertainment. Where are the jobs? Didn't the phrase "Starving artist" throw up a red flag.

  9. 11:48, In my campaign for Mayor I said Salisbury is, "Long on Arts and Short on Entertainment."

    Entertainment DOES bring in massive money. Hence why you'll see Joey Gilkerson and Brad Gillis bring in Bands to their new Fire House location. You wait and see, it will be mobbed down there and good for them. However, hopefully it won't overwhelm the Police Department. Give it time.

  10. Food, entertainment and advertised events with free parking and no crime is what will draw the people back downtown. No lawyers offices, courts, bail bondsman. Get ice cream shops, dounkin donuts, coffee shops, mini movie theater, outside seating, and street performer's.

  11. Does anyone really know what these Arts and Entertainment districts really are? It's a state program which virtually did nothing more than create more state government jobs. This program is not unique to MD. The reality is for every town/city that's had success with this program many many more have failed. It is the same with the pedestrian walkway/plaza concept. That was a 1970's idea and for everyone one that was successful a 100 failed.

  12. anonymous 12:21, the selection is always the same old, same old. Unfortunately they are the same people who KNOW THE SYSTEM and that scares the crap out of me. It's a game of hot potato in Wicomico County. You can always count on Muir Boda running for something. Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Laura Mitchell, you know the names.

    It's a self reliant system they have going here. Names come from nowhere like Jake Day and allegedly there's a landslide win out of nowhere, go figure. Did you ever wonder if his name was flipped with Debbie Campbell's? Did you ever think, I've never seen this guy at a City Council Meeting, I have no clue who he is but the Press and powers to be want him in there and SHAZAM!

    I'll never forget the confidence Barrie Tilghman, Lynn Cathcart and Chuck Cook on election day while cars were pulling up to the polls honking at me, waving, saying they were there to vote for me, yet some how, some way, Ireton won 2 to 1. Yet they knew Ireton was going to win, even though the majority of people pulling up supported me, go figure.

    I guess it really doesn't mater here any more who runs. In the end the person who wins every election is hand picked by a certain small group and even when the news media states ALL DAY Albero is up 2 to 1, funny how the final numbers went the opposite direction.

    And I'm the Bad Guy for actually bringing this to everyone's attention.

    Open your eyes people.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Lets hold them accountable. Where are their great candidates? Gee let's see? Embarrassing. Right, right right off the cliff! And Bob Culver? Unelectable? I think so but November will tell. Thanks for letting this Republican express his frustration with the RCC. You don't speak for the party John Palmer! And neither does Monoblogger who gets behind every whackado who says they are running for Gov. with no funds to beat a Dem. winning is the endgame guys! Please replace these RCC failures! Joe you hit the nail on the head local means the RCC they are failures!

    January 26, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    Isn't John Palmer on the Central Committee?

    I agree with your point on the Monoblogger he has a lot of knowledge about politics, but very little knowledge on winning elections.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone really know what these Arts and Entertainment districts really are? It's a state program which virtually did nothing more than create more state government jobs. This program is not unique to MD. The reality is for every town/city that's had success with this program many many more have failed. It is the same with the pedestrian walkway/plaza concept. That was a 1970's idea and for everyone one that was successful a 100 failed.

    January 26, 2014 at 12:46 PM


    Most arts people are the far liberal whacko type that support gay marriage. They are ruining this country and look what it is doing for downtown. Nothing!

    Vote Republican.

  15. All the Republicans have gone to the dogs especially starting with the Central Committee. Just take a look at who all is on it and you will understand what I am saying. And, the wanna-bees who want to be on it, too. None of them can win an election until there are only 7 names on the list.

  16. There are not any jobs in this area. All of the manufacturing is now gone. Everyone at school has been talking about it. I think this summer I'll just keep cutting grass like I have been for the past 3 summers.

  17. You folks don't get it... The damage has been occurring for decades and nothing was done. Now as the shore sinks faster and faster you stand around and point fingers. There isn't a single issue that has caused this, there are many. Unfortunately now is too late.... As more stores close the mall will close. Thy bypass has done its job and will eventually finish off Salisbury. In fortunately you people would rather cry and complain instead of a plan. Your not going to fix this mess......


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