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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt Still Hasn't Filed For Re-Election

As of the end of the day on Thursday County Executive Rick Pollitt still has not filed to run for re-election. 

Well, he either thinks he has it in the bag OR he's picked up a new job in Annapolis. Many are hoping he feels the effect of losing his job in the County so he can feel what it's like to be unemployed like the THOUSANDS of other County Residents who have LOST their jobs under his leadership, (or the lack there of). 


  1. He's still riding the gravy train!

  2. If we are lucky he won't. We have 2 clowns like Kirby Travers and Josh Hastings who has. This is not what Wicomico County needs.

  3. Pollitt will not run for re-election. More to come.

  4. Is there a deadline on this? Has it passed yet?

  5. Deadline is next week -- 25th.

  6. 6:40 --

    You ain't seen nothing yet -- Laura Mitchell may run too.

  7. He won't be the Exec. this time next year, even if he runs!

  8. 7:44 --

    Then I would suggest that this is NOT news until AFTER that date.

  9. Hopefully he will just head on down to Allen and stay there with his mouth shut for a change. I know, I know, never happen, but one can hope.

  10. I'm so very sorry I even voted for a county executive form of government, sounded good at the time. Instead of getting a frugal bureaucracy to trim the fat, I got the whole hog and another bloated layer of government. The same good ole boys that were calling the shots are still pulling the puppet strings here in Wicomico. The only thing that has changed is higher taxes, more take home vehicles for Wicomico's pimps, and increased unemployment.


  12. Rick Pollitt is a career politician and oportunist. He is a narcisist who's main goal is to look out for number one; himself. His arrogance and non-representative style of service will be his legacy. Please Rick move on you have inflicted enough damage during your tenure of service.

  13. he will register. for sure. so don't get your hopes up he won't. and bob culver hasn't a chance in hates to beat him.

  14. Wow! Whether you like the guy's politics or not, wishing anyone to be out of a job is harsh. I know misery loves company but karma is a bitch. I agree with Daddio. And to 10:03, yes, let's have Joe try to file to run. Most of us realize he isn't qualified to run by condition of his residency. And to USMC Retired, unless you know the man personally, your comment means nothing. Please learn to spell and learn the difference between whose and who's. My personal experience with the man is directly opposite of what you describe. Whether he runs again, or not, I wish him well.

  15. First of all, I have no intention of running. I support Bob Culver and believe Bob not only has far better business experience, I believe Bob will send Wicomico County in the right direction.

    I am, (and will remain) available for both Rick or Bob should they inquire about a business plan to improve economic development conditions on the Shore.

    Again, the advice is FREE. They can take it or leave it, no hard feelings.

    My job is right here on Salisbury News. I come to work when I want and I leave when I want. No one tells me what I can or can't do and I really don't think one could find a better job.

  16. 10:18 - you seem to know a different Rick Pollitt than everyone else- he is arrogant and is interested in only one person, himself.

  17. Anonymous 10:18 I know Rick Pollitt I have many dealings with him personnally. I know his game and politics and he cannot hide from reality and truth. I served in the Marines for over 20 years. I served my country. As for Rick Pollitt he serves himself. And as far as my use of whose and who, get a life. I'm sure in a battle of intelligence you would be unarmed.

  18. 10:51, who died and left you the spokesperson for "Everyone." Not everyone likes the same people. Doesn't make any of them bad. I also know Pollitt and he has always been a complete gentleman to me and my family.

  19. If he knows what's good for him he Won't run....Fool....If he does I am selling my house ASAP.

  20. USMCretired, YOU should get a life. If you need remedial English, you might not want to be calling out someone who obviously could outlast you in a battle of intelligence. You have one view, that person has another. Everything in life is personal.

  21. Has anyone noticed that Josh Hastings has entered the race for District 3, Gail Bartkovich's seat. Hastings is an extreme liberal who helped Ireton, Fake Day and Laura Mitchell with their campaigns. Looks like the same crowd is trying to take over the county as well as the city.

  22. 1:17PM yes we have noticed and he is a friend of Jake Day and other left wing nuts. God help us if he gets elected like Jake Day did.

  23. I'm not wasting my vote on a guy who will be leaving this position for a job with Anthony Brown. Nope I'm not doing it.


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