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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome To Black History Month 2014

Black History Month in Delaware began with all the usual suspects presenting all the usual indictments of racism.

If there was any mention of black mob violence or black on white crime, it was only in passing. Or only to represent the perpetrators as the real victims.

Teenagers, for example, who were kicked out of high school for violence and truancy, were said to be victims of uncaring counselors who threw them into a life of crime by suggesting they go to night school. There was a lot of that: More than 60 percent of black students in Wilmington, Delaware drop out of high school.

As for the real victims, black and white, of the school violence and behavior that disrupted their learning, there was not a word.

Nor did anyone mention how two of the panel members voted for a local city council resolution a few weeks before that declared Wilmington’s black criminals were the real victims: They were suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by slavery.


  1. Just more reasons to be lazy!

  2. When is white history month?

  3. No black history month crap here in Florida. I haven't seen a single add or story. Maybe we should try for a white history month.... The harder people try to make things better for them the harder they don't try to improve their lives..... They aren't owed anything and need to wake up put on their big boy pants and learn to do act like the rest of us.....

  4. When is 'White History Month'?

  5. Is this racism? No it's realism. African American communities will continue to resemble war zones until they decide to value honesty and face what are facts.

  6. Article is full of crap. How about you folks, who seem to suddenly care so much, go and hear directly from the people who work daily to educate black youth, serve as mentors, develop programs, and volunteer their time in these communities. Stop believing any and everything you read just because it stokes your preconceived conclusions.

  7. White history month is EVERY month.

  8. How about a "Humanity" month that celebrates everyone everywhere.

  9. Hey 8:46-There is no gilding this lily! This article is not full of crap! "Preconceived conclusions?" What are you simple or something! You can lie to yourself all day long but facts speak for themselves. All your talk about mentoring, volunteering, programs is a bunch of crap and has done nothing. What about parenting! You people need put in your place and told the way it is. You have no morals or values. A father? What's that? No problem making babies but when it comes to taking care of them an overwhelming number of blacks fail. That's where the blame lies. No value on a child's life.

  10. Who care about this?! I'm so over this!! Like above - Where is White History Month?!

    Oh wait, I know - We don't need it cause we work for a living and know what our people have done and etc.

  11. The Government controls the masses by dividing them up and placing them in Categories...


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