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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WaPo Praises The Joy Of Being "Untethered" And "Unleashed" From A Job, The "Freedom" Of Unemployment

Now that the full court press to refute the findings of the CBO report which, as we reported, confirmed what was largely known - that as a result of Obamacare, the strapped US economy will have even fewer workers as millions will fall back on welfare state entitlements which make hard work obsolete - has failed, it is time for the propaganda to take a different track: one where not having a job, and in fact losing it due to Obamacare, is hailed as an act of nobility. Sure enough, here comes one of the administration's favorites, the Bezos Times, with "They quit their jobs, thanks to health-care law" which does largely as its name suggests: highlights just how "enabling" and "liberating" Obamacare is for one's life, once a person is no longer burdened by something as trivial as a job.

No, we aren't kidding:

Count Polly Lower among those who quit their jobs because of the health-care law.

It happened in September, when her boss abruptly changed her job description. She went from doing payroll, which she liked, to working on her boss’s schedule, which she loathed. At another time, she might have had to grit her teeth and accept the new position because she needed the health benefits.

But with the health-care law soon to take effect, she simply resigned — and hasn’t looked back.

“It was wonderful. It was very freeing,” said Lower, 56, of Bourbon, Ind., who is now babysitting her 5-year-old granddaughter full time. With the help of federal subsidies that kicked in Jan. 1, she is paying less than $500 a month for health coverage for herself and her husband.



  1. Our Democrat-controlled socialist government has created an environment that is totally unsustainable - and they're proud of it!

    Between abortion, homosexuality, substance abuse, and welfare-dependence, this country will soon not be able to recover.

    Those on the dole will vote to be able to stay on the dole...those close to joining the dole will have less apprehension against getting in the dole line...while those of us willing to stay at work will be taxed to our deaths - or leave for a better environment!

  2. is the WaPo going to provide the money needed for every family that wants to change their job or quit because they're Not Happy there? H--L no and this is why this who thing is a farce...

  3. You whities keep paying, LMFAO


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