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Saturday, February 01, 2014

‘U’ Students Want Crime Alerts To Avoid Using Racial Descriptions

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – School officials at the University of Minnesota are working with black student and facility organizations after they wrote a letter to the school’s president about the racial descriptions given in crime alerts.

The letter, sent on Dec. 6, 2013, was issued by members of the African American and African Studies, Black Faculty and Staff Association, Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, Black Men’s Forum, Black Student Union and Huntley House for African American Males.

It was directed to University President Eric Kaler and Pamela Wheelock, the vice president of University Services.



  1. But it's Ok to say White Boy!

  2. Ask the students what they would do if there was, say, a serial rapist in the area and they wanted to alert the campus - and the guy was Chinese.

  3. How the hell do the know what rapist or murderer to look for if they don't put "Be on the look out for a black male" or "white male." This is absolutely ridiculous because they know the majority of criminals are... You guessed it, Black! I am not taking that chance because I know they come in all colors so I am not going to be playing an F*n guessing game. The staff should not even have wasted good oxygen on meeting with those racist groups.

    We can't have a White American Studies, a White Faculty and Staff Association, a White Graduate Professional Student Association, a White Men's Forum, a White Student Union or a White House for White American Studies, but ironically they can damn sure have an African American and African Studies, a Black Faculty and Staff Association, a Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, a Black Men’s Forum, a Black Student Union and a Huntley House for African American Males.

    Tell me that university isn't full of spineless white Americans and racist black thugs. More and more black groups have popped up since the Muslim from Kenya got put in the "White" House.

  4. “The repeated black, black, black suspect,” Taylor said. “And what that does it really discomforts the mental and physical comfort for students on campus because they feel like suspicions begin to increase.”

    Well, you know, Mr. Taylor, if the perpetrators are time after time after time, "black, black, black", Then maybe it's time to talk to your "black" community about stopping perpetrating crimes; not to chant to Whitey to misinform the community on the truth of who to look out for.

    You effing dumba$$.

  5. That being the case, perhaps these organizations should do the same by eliminating racial descriptions from their names?

  6. What good is a suspects description if it doesn't tell you what color they are?

  7. And this stupidity comes from so-called educated people.

  8. Well if they are the ones doing it so what.

  9. Sometimes racial ID is crucial to identifying the perpetrator.

  10. I propose a White entertainment network. Wait, we'll call it WET.
    Also a Miss White America.

  11. Maybe ban the criminal race from the campus, then you won't have that many criminal young men there.


  12. Their fixation with race does not help anyone in this instance.

    Easy solution: List any other usual description for all suspects (white, green, blue, etc), except black.

    The absence will be just as descriptive as the presence, and it will certainly be a deterrent to future crimes by black suspects (NOT)!

    And they can find some other aspect of life to get worked up over.

  13. They should go a step further, and eliminate the persons sex. Can't offend women. Oh, and their height. Can't offend manlets. Ooohhh, and get the weight off the description. Can't offend heavy/skinny people.

    New descriptions: Be on the lookout for a person. That is all.


    They only have a problem, as it's predominately AA's doing these crimes. Why should campus police, or citizens, NOT have a positive description of someone threatening their housing, campus, person? Idiots.

  14. "Black" student "unions" and organizations by there very nature promote racism and segregation and in this day and age should be outlawed as should be affirmative action. It is not affirmative in any way. It has provided nothing but division and disunity among people.

  15. Is there a "white" students union on campas?

  16. AWWWWWW Poor black people don't commit crimes right.

  17. what hypocrites!!! if we named our organizations White ....., they would scream bloody murder. but no, they have to put the Black name on everything they do. are they inclusive??? NO!!! now they want to hinder law enforcement by not giving a "complete" description because he/she may be Black. get real.

  18. Here is the COMPLETE answer to all this crap. I have said this for years:
    Get Sharpton, Jackson, or any one of these students, with their wives/girlfriends at the top of any downtown street in any major city.
    Have a hidden camera ready.
    Let them walk down the center of the street.
    On the right side - five or so Black thug-looking guys.
    On the left side of the street, five or so white jocks/college-type guys.
    Let's see which side of the street they will walk.
    Racial profiling at it's core.

  19. This crap started twenty years ago. I was in Baltimore then and the TV station reported an armed robbery. They asked for help finding the suspect, and announced, "...approximately 5'11"...wearing a black shirt and tan pants." And nothing else.
    Just for kicks, I called the station and said that I may know the suspect, and that I had noticed "my Japanese neighbor acting strangely and being out in that area around the same time".
    They put me on hold.
    When they got back to me, they said, "...No. We're looking for a white male."
    I asked why they didn't say that. They hung up on me.


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