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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tourism Officials Discuss Minimum Wage Hike’s Impact

OCEAN CITY – Tourism officials discussed this week the negative effects a proposed minimum wage increase would have on the summer resort.

During this week’s Tourism Commission meeting, a discussion evolved over Ocean City tourism officials’ opposition to the minimum wage bill that was brought before the Senate on Tuesday.

“There are five different bills being heard tomorrow, the Governors Minimum Wage Bill is the main one that everyone seems to be focusing on,” Executive Director Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association (HMRA) Susan Jones said.

Maryland’s minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. For tipped workers, such as waitresses, the minimum wage is lower at 50 percent of the full minimum wage, or $3.63 per hour.


  1. That's a bunch of BS as far as Michael James thinking OC businesses should be exempt. Why should other business owners have to suffer and not him. He makes millions as it is.

  2. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARDFebruary 15, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    Call 202-224-3121 and request to speak to your representative about killing these bills...

  3. they get tax breaks on foreign workers, cry me a river.

  4. The only winners on an increased minimum wage are the state & federal govts getting more tax revenue.

  5. 3:44 that is not true but it is ok if you keep your head in the sand and believe that. I know, lets pretend we are china and pay people $2 a day like we used to. Or you can go to work at Walmart and then apply for welfare, food stamps, heat assistance and medicaid.

  6. Nothing new here. All of the profits in the tourism/hospitality industry MUST go to the top. Maybe they can build robots who will work cheaper than imported slave labor...

  7. Even the minorities will not work in OC for minimum wage let alone the privileged kids from salisbury. That is why they import the foreign workers.


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