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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Today's Delegates Breakfast at the Civic Center - Republicans Trying to Lead from The Front, Democrats from Behind

This morning the Wicomico County Council met with our Maryland Legislature Delegates.  The purpose of the breakfast is to review pending statewide legislation that may impact us here in Wicomico County.

I couldn't help but to notice that nearly all of the Democratic legislators sat on one side of the table with the Republicans on the other.  Wicomico County Finance Director Andy Mackel - led off and gave a PowerPoint presentation showing a budget readjustment as a result of diminishing income tax revenues expected to be about 3.45 million - (Digression Analysis) - and then representatives from both parties started to chime-in.  The County Administrative Director - Wayne Strausburg indicated that our County could expect to see pressure in our leisure & hospitality industries as there might be more hotel rooms and restaurants than our area can locally support.

The County Administrator - Rick Pollitt, indicated that his administration had taken action to wean our county from the Inventory tax, and, he was encouraging our leading community college to try and re-train for a new economy. He announced the expansion of Cadista Pharmaceutical, and Chesapeake Ship Building.  

On the other hand - Delegate Mike McDermott -(sounded the bugle - author emphasis) - said that Maryland should be more proactive in encouraging more businesses by improving the regulatory environment as opposed to a celebratory celebration of (1) new business doing an expansion.  He indicated that what we need are; 

'some big things have to happen to improve local incomes - and I hope that the people will rise-up in order to enhance their own lifestyles'    

General Observation - (author's opinion)

One thing was clear from the outset - the Democratic representative side appeared to weigh-in heavily on trying to shore-up an already sagging economy - without offering anything substantive to initiate a progressive change.  Congressional Delegate Norman Conway seemed to think Senate President - Mike Miller and House Speaker - Michael Busch were going to unveil a new economic development plan that might include construction of off-shore wind farms.

Balkanization of Maryland Counties

Senator Rich Colburn - chimed in and said that there was a Democratic effort underway for local counties to impose their own prevailing minimum wage scale.  If a Statewide minimum wage wasn't instituted - then one might expect individual prevailing wages to be set by each County.  For instance - PG & Montgomery might set the minimum wage at $11:00/hour whereas an eastern shore county might set it substantially lower.  Delaware is currently proposing $8.25/hour minimum wage.  

Senator Jim Mathias - added that in Ocean City - many restaurants often hire foreign help as opposed to natives because the employers are not required to contribute to the foreign workers SS or medicare benefits.  And that we might have to modify the current plan in order to correct that action.

Detrimental Revenue Cap Legislation - SB-331/HB-295 - Minimum Wage Legislation - (click onto bill link) 

Wicomico County Finance Director gave an overview as to how Wicomico's revenue cap could be effected as a result of Maryland's institution of a new Minimum Wage that links the increases to a CPI.  According to his testimony it would exceed Wicomico's 2% revenue mandate by the year 2018.

Local Revenue Effect of Minimum Wage Bill - Wicomico
FY - 2015 - $30,591
FY- 2016 - $97,596
FY - 2017 - $180,192
FY - 2018 - $841,171
FY - 2019 - $855,395 

Other Potential Candidates for Office Were Present At the Breakfast Meeting

There were a host of other candidates in the audience that are vying for elected positions.  These include County Council candidates - Marc Kilmer, Larry Dodd, and also Maryland Delegate Candidate - Carl Anderton who will be running against longtime incumbent - Norman Conway.

Article by Beezer - SBYnews Contributor

Publishers Notes: Beezer is being way too kind in this article. Here's what you don't know. NO ONE, NONE of the local MEDIA was present at this meeting, aside from Salisbury News. 

Now, you have to ask yourself, just how IMPORTANT is this information to County Taxpayers? Yet your local Media is PURPOSELY covering this information up.

No, they don't want to be put in the position to actually TELL you what really happened at these meetings. They want to get a Press release from Liberal Representatives so they can tell you THEIR side of what THEY want YOU to hear. Then the Daily Times can say, we didn't lie. 

YOU need to know there's a rebirth of Main Stream Media these days and YOU can NO LONGER depend on what they're publishing.

This has to be some of the most IMPORTANT information struggling Wicomico County Residents needs to know, especially before an upcoming election.  


  1. I'm surprised the Democrats even showed up. With all these predictions, did they even mention the Obamacare employer mandate in 2015. It was supposed to be this year but Obama has a way to break the laws he has signed. You think it's bad now? Wait until mid 2015.

  2. Basically, the Democrats don't know what to do about our sagging economy. All they know is to tax and spend. They offer nothing.

  3. The democrats are clueless on where to go or what to do.

  4. Personally, I think it is going to be a blood bath come election time. The Democrats had their chance and they have BLOWN IT BIG TIME.

    Soon - it will be time to pay the Piper his just dues.

  5. Can someone please explain this without copping an attitude and throwing insults.....

    Wicomico County Finance Director gave an overview as to how Wicomico's revenue cap could be effected as a result of Maryland's institution of a new Minimum Wage that links the increases to a CPI. According to his testimony it would exceed Wicomico's 2% revenue mandate by the year 2018.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I'm surprised the Democrats even showed up. With all these predictions, did they even mention the Obamacare employer mandate in 2015. It was supposed to be this year but Obama has a way to break the laws he has signed. You think it's bad now? Wait until mid 2015.

    February 8, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    You are surprised the Democrats even showed up? Didn't you notice Norman Conway feeding his face? It was free food for him. He doesn't weight 400lbs for nothing you know.

  7. Question, why did they even have to use the civic center, because they get free food? Looks to me like it could have been held in the council chambers, they do power point there all the time. It should have been recorded on PAC 14 anyway so people like myself that have to work can wade through the BS. How many people were there total, counting citizens?

  8. It should be noted that Senate Candidate Mike McDermott downplayed the democratic leadership by challenging them on the ONE company that expanded a couple years ago and only added SIXTEEN JOBS while the County lost 1,800+ jobs last December alone. He went on to state he just doesn't understand how anyone could be celebrating such a thing.

    Strausburg and Pollitt have a whole bunch of screws loose.

    Here's a challenge. With more than a THOUSAND jobs being lost each month, can YOU tell us who's been hiring by the masses to REPLACE those job losses. OK, you can't. So HOW on earth can ANY of your liberal leaders tell you the future looks bright????

    So, just how much B S are you people going to continue to take from these jackasses? Or are you one of those people who think it will never impact YOU so screw everyone else.

  9. I was at the meeting and it was frustrating to hear the Council, Delegates and Senators all agree that high taxes have caused people and business to leave Maryland. They also agreed that these people and jobs leaving have caused in part some of the deficit. However, after that was acknowledged Conway, Mathias, etc... started talking about other taxes that could be used to fill the hole that they agree was caused by taxes!!!

  10. How much did that meeting cost the tax payers for employees, food, heat and electricity, etc.?

  11. Make them contribute to SS anyway - eliminate the perverse incentive....

  12. Cut through the chase here:
    1. Dems have no answers.
    2. Mike McDermott has some answers.
    3. MSM want to continue cover-up.
    4. SbyNews continues to give us great coverage on issues that matter.
    5. Retire ALL Dems in the next election...

  13. WHERE IS THE LOCAL CORUPT MEDIA... Hanging out with our corupt gayor.

  14. "many restaurants often hire foreign help as opposed to natives because the employers are not required to contribute to the foreign workers SS or medicare benefits. "

    Mathias almost had this right. Add the Unemployment taxes that employers don't have to pay for foreign workers.

  15. I would like to add that Salisbury News has done an impeccable, I repeat IMPECCABLE job in covering these events. Thank God we have one respectable source of media. Your efforts have been FLAWLESS, and your information is on-point.


  16. In Response to 3:27 Posting

    FYI - SBYnews furnished the coffee & donuts for the candidates & public audience. There were about a dozen or so from the public in attendence - mostly potential office seeker candidates.

  17. I find it appauling that with all of the Maryland Legislative representatives, and, all of the County Council members, & some support staff, that there was no other media coverage. They should be ashamed for not trying to keep the public informed.

    In fact, I'm going to place a telephone call on Monday and try to have a one on one with the DT editor.

  18. Joe, Sbynews has been a real eye opener for me and my family. We appreciate all your efforts in trying to keep the public informed. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  19. I just wish I could get electricity as the whole east side of Salisbury is without power. My home is now 62 degrees and I'm having to leave in my car in order to stay warm.

  20. The "Local Revenue Effect of Minimum Wage" chart is somehow incomprehensible to me. Can someone explain? It just looks like pipe dreams... and really good ones!

  21. According to what was explained, employers of each county will be required to fill out compliance reports that reflect the prevailing wage rates. On the down side - many will flee from the lower scale counties to the upper scale counties to try and take an advantage of wage rates. IMHO - it will inevitably fail and collapse as employers decide to simply close up shop. Maryland is simply a hostile environment to businesses in general. It will take some mammoth changes in order to restore predictability to an insane system.

  22. We need some fresh blood in the state house. Norman Conway has been there way to long. I guess he is just going to die in office.

  23. To be frank, the D officals don't know what to do in this economy and they are basically clueless. They want to spend more, but there comes a time when your tax base dries up and our tax base is exhausted. We need some bold new intiatives and the people who can deliver them. Unfortunately the Dems are the ones that can deliver.

  24. I don't think that any of the other medias have anyone competent to cover these types of events. They are to 'programmed' into thinking inside the box.

  25. I think the lack of locals who are employed in OC has a lot to do with the parking nightmare. I know personally of several local kids who after getting jobs in OC found parking to be a problem. This resulted in parents shuttling them back and forth to work. I also know of a woman who worked at the shop at Brass Balls and her husband used to drive her because of parking issues.

  26. Thank GOD for MikeMcD - he has the wisdom and the courage to lead us to turn this sinking ship around. If the citizens of our 38th District continue to vote for Norm and everybody's friend Jim, they will deserve what they get. Let's all apply for a job at the wind farm if that happens.

  27. The democrats have created a downward spiral and they are clueless as to what to do about it. The whole entire bunch of them need to go ASAP. It has gotten to the point where everything they touch turns into a huge fiasco. The latest I've heard is that if they increase the minimum wage, this will result in reduced subsidies for those receiving obamacare. So when any of them say the wage increase will help the economy they are either lying or have no clue what in the hell is going on.

  28. In order for your "news stories to be credible you need to get the facts straight.

    1) Wayne Strausburg is the County Administrator and not the "County Administrative Director."

    2) Rick Pollitt is the Wicomico County Executive and not "The County Administrator - Rick Pollitt"

    3) Norman Conway is a Maryland Delegate and not "Congressional Delegate Norman Conway." A Congressional Delegate as you put it is on the Federal level.

    But for the most part it was a good article and something the Daily Rag should have been reporting on. On a side note, maybe the Democrats didn't want any MSM there to report on how bad shape this county is in.

    1. Whatever Conways title may be now, in November it'll have the word "former" in front of it lord willing

  29. Response to 10:46 - tit for tat - aren't they all essentially the same - (titles). For crying out loud - County Administrator verses County Administrative Director, come on now. Don't most people know who does what?

    I think it is a very illustrative article. Great job Sbynews!

  30. Anonymous 3:02,
    "Can someone please explain this without copping an attitude and throwing insults.....

    Wicomico County Finance Director gave an overview as to how Wicomico's revenue cap could be effected as a result of Maryland's institution of a new Minimum Wage that links the increases to a CPI. According to his testimony it would exceed Wicomico's 2% revenue mandate by the year 2018.

    While I am not speaking to the Finance Director's meaning or intent, I will offer this explanation;

    1)Wicomico County has a revenue cap that does not allow it to raise property taxes more than 2% per year - so as this is the county's primary source of income, it essentially means the county cannot increase its income more than 2% per year.

    2) The CPI, (Consumer Price Index), has been averaging 2.4% per year. (last 2 years were lower)

    3)If minimum wage increases were tied to CPI increases, as intended - then the county's labor costs could increase more than the county's ability to generate income to pay them.

    - creating a budget crisis requiring more cuts, or a change to the revenue cap.

    It looks like he is saying that by 2018 the county would reach the "go-broke" (relative to labor costs), point if this minimum wage legislation is passed.

    Of course I could be misunderstanding his statement and be completely wrong about this.


    1. You are incorrect about this. There is a big difference in only being able to raise property taxes by 2 percent a year and having revenue restricted to not increase by more than two percent per year. When all the building was going on, and the county should have been receiving more revenue to provide for the growth, it could not. It was only able to increase revenues by two percent per year, thus, you will see that the property rate had to go down. It was only when assessments when down that the rate could increase. That would be like telling a business that they had to hire additional workers but could only increase their revenue by 2 percent per year. You are right....it is a go broke system. Look at Cecil county...same population, 50 million a year more in their budget. We are second to Somerset with the lowest taxes per capita. But, that is what VOICE wanted, along with the Executive style of government. How is that working?

  31. Please note: "it essentially means the county cannot increase its **REAL PROPERTY TAX** income more than 2% per year. Property tax is only ONE of the taxes the county receives.

  32. To 1:30 Posting - GA

    I am not sure how to answer the question - in regards to the implications with Wicomico's current revenue cap. The information I compiled was from Andy Mackel's PowerPoint and I thought it came from a Fiscal Note Analysis. However, upon searching the Maryland General Assembly HB-295 and its Senate version SB-331, it says the Fiscal Note Analysis is not available at this time. And I find that to be very odd. I'll have to inquire tomorrow.

  33. Thanks, GA, I see better now. I honestly cannot agree with those numbers, though, as I know of no jobs working for the City of Salisbury for minimum wage.

    Anybody out there working for the City for MW?

    I am against even HAVING a minimum wage, as I feel each person should "earn his keep", and if he's worth less, then he is worthless, and someone is hired in his place. Personally, I don't hire MW in construction; it's just too much insurance risk.

    That "chart" is just politiscare.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Response to 10:46 - tit for tat - aren't they all essentially the same - (titles). For crying out loud - County Administrator verses County Administrative Director, come on now. Don't most people know who does what?

    I think it is a very illustrative article. Great job Sbynews!

    February 9, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    No they are not. Know your correct titles before you lose your readers in the article. It wasn't meant to bash the writer so don't get your panties in a wad.


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