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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

These Before And After Photos Of Drug Users Are Absolutely Horrifying. And Gross.

There shocking mug shots collected by the sheriff’s office in Multnomah County, Oregon, are part of a anti-drug campaign that shows the disturbing truth to what heavy drug use does to a person. The campaign’s aim is to use these before and after photos of drug users’ faces in the hope that they grab teenager’s attentions by appealing to their vanity.

The most hard hitting feature of these photos is how quickly the drug addicts’s face gets damaged. Faces that were once normal, and even attractive, metamorphose over just a few years and sometimes months into skeletal, bruised and toothless wrecks.



  1. I really don't care about these losers.

  2. wonder how many of these addicts stated by smoking "harmless" marijuana in Oregon--

  3. They were all beat with the ugly stick before drugs anyway. What a waste of bandwidth. Not in Salisbury anyway.

  4. 11:55 probably a lot. Just look at the drug dealers busted around here selling heroin and marijuana

  5. I'm surprised one of the pothead nation hasn't chimed in yet on the benefits of marihuana.

  6. Scare tactics. Put some pictures up of women and children beaten to unrecognizable pulps by alchoholics. Or pictures of their corpses. Or just "before and NOW" pictures of the alcoholics themselves. Put up some pictures of people who have half a jaw, no nose, and a tube in their throat to speak -- from ANOTHER drug, cigarettes. These are drugs that our "leaders" have said are okay, as long as we get "our cut". Because they are SO concerned about you. LOL!
    And KILL a MILLION Americans a year. EVERY year.
    THESE pictures are of meth and heroin users, NOT pot smokers. And stop saying pot smokers are all on their way to heroin. That is ANOTHER lie and if you believe THAT, you are falling head over heels for the propaganda they hope you fall for...
    Have another martini and a Camel. Please leave your kids alone, though. They don't need to be beaten into submission by you in a drunken rage or given cancer because you can't control your own drug habit. While, of course, you bemoan someone smoking pot and comparing it to meth injection.
    The police, especially, don't want any pot laws relaxed. Three quarters of their jobs would disappear. Hence the scary pictures. Start thinking for yourself, if that is any longer a possibility for you...


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