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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Democratic Party And Karl Marx

New York Senator Chuck Schumer thinks that it is a good thing, an affirmation of “family values” and “freedom,” that nearly 3 million people are expected to stop working in order to be able to qualify for Obamacare subsidies.

While on “Meet the Press” this past weekend, Schumer was blunt: The “bottom line,” he said, “is very simple. What [the] CBO [Congressional Budget Office] said is that many American workers would have freedom. Now that’s a good word,” Schumer continued, for it means that Americans would now have the “freedom to do things that they couldn’t [previously] do.”



  1. If all of us that work start refusing to support those that don't, this issue would go away.

    Problem is too many of us are too soft to be so unkind - and it will eventually drag us all down!

  2. Orwell predicted we would have leaders just like him using "governmentspeak" to tell us things like this.
    Not working while OTHER people do, so that YOU can stay at home while OTHER people pay YOUR bills they are busy WORKING a job) is not "welfare' any more --- it's "freedom".
    Schumer really believes this???

  3. Everyone claim "9" dependents on their W-4. Put it in a savings account and pay what you owe at the end of the year.

  4. DNC platform = Communist Manifesto.

  5. 12:35 if everyone claims a 9 and there will be an Executive Order including jail time. We all know how much the truth is valued in Obama's America.

  6. Schumer... so stupid.
    I'm in awe at the bull crap people will believe from these Democrats.
    The crap they spew is utterly dumbfounding.


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