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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The 2014 VS Swim Catalog: A Mom's Buying Guide

Get ready all you moms out there. The Victoria’s Secret 2014 Swim Catalog has arrived. In February. I’m sure that whoever was having a good day, is now having a bad day. And whoever was already having a bad day has killed a bottle of wine and a sleeve of thin mints. Yes, Girl Scout cookies and the VS swim catalog arrive in the same month. Or at least they did this year. It’s a conspiracy between peppy little Girl Scouts and ravenously hungry super models. Their goal: world domination. I guess.


  1. I intended to read the entire article attached to this post, but the repeated profanity caused me to close it and move on. The writer exposes a lack of non-profane vocabulary and loses the audience.

  2. That's the way many women speak today. It's called Dumbing Down Of Society. You ca see examples in our current City leadership.

  3. It's good to know that 2 previous commenters actually read anything accompanying the photos.I was just looking at the women.I guess that makes me shallow.

  4. I would much rather have a great novel. Thanks.

  5. the girl in that photo is WAAAY too skinny, only a dog wants to see that many bones!

  6. feed that chickie some poke chops and mashed tators

  7. A little offensive and insulting. The average woman does not look like that. Plus the profanity is a huge turnoff.

  8. I didn't see any words!!

  9. 11:29 Thanks, my best laugh of the day!


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