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Friday, February 07, 2014

Team Obama To Allow Immigrants With “Limited Terrorism Ties”

(Daily Caller) The Obama administration has issued new exemptions to a law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists who are believed to pose no threat from the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department published the new exemptions Wednesday in the Federal Register to narrow a ban in the Immigration and Nationality Act excluding refugees and asylum seekers who had provided limited material support, no matter how minor, to terrorists.

“These exemptions cover five kinds of limited material support that have adversely and unfairly affected refugees and asylum seekers with no tangible connection to terrorism: material support that was insignificant in amount or provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, family or humanitarian interactions, or under significant pressure,” a DHS official explained to The Daily Caller.

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry signed the exemptions.



  1. Have we totally lost it in this Country? Don't we have just one Republican with enough balls to bring impeachment proceedings?

  2. What a slap in the face (in a long line of slaps from our 'leaders") to the millions of Americans who, because of a NON-VIOLENT (!!) misdemeanor (!!) conviction, can NEVER own a gun. EVER. A non-violent conviction, and a CITIZEN can never be caught with even a single shot .410 shotgun. For the rest of their lives....How THAT passed Constitutional muster is beyond me....
    BUT --- obama, in his brilliance,
    now says that if you supported people who have actually tried to KILL American citizens (read that again), you're cool. Come on in!! Get CLOSER to the ones you (once) thought needed to be slaughtered.
    Makes perfect sense, right?
    Keep cheering, you lemmings.

  3. Look guys, why would he not do this? He is a Terrorist himself, he just wants to make sure if he does not destroy the country in three years, this group he allows in will do it for him

  4. They are traitors and should stand trial for treason... Obama should be right there with them!!!
    He is the biggest traitor of all!!!

  5. Yes and they will be appointed positions on his cabinet. Birds of a feather flock together.


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