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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Survey: U.S. Press Freedom Plunges Under Obama To 46th In World, After Romania

The Obama administration’s handling of whistleblower Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency leaks and the investigation of a string of leaks produced a plunge in the country’s rating on press freedoms and government openness, according to a global survey released Tuesday.

The U.S. under President Obama, who once promised to run the “most transparent” administration in the country’s history, fell from 32nd to 46th in the 2014 World Press Freedom Index, a drop of 13 slots. The index, compiled by the press advocacy group Reporters Without Borders, analyzes 180 countries on criteria such as official abuse, media independence and infrastructure to determine how free journalists are to report.



  1. It's so obvious , all the MSM but Fox , and sometimes even Fox.
    Da be scard to deaf

  2. He promised to run the most transparent presidency in history-yeah right. Anyone with any ounce of intelligence could always see right through the lying ghetto hustler. Only those in the moron/imbecile/idiot IQ range voted for him and black voted for him because he was black because Lord knows it wasn't for his accomplishments.


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