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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Super Bowl Commercials

I don't know about you but I was very disappointed in the commercials during the Super Bowl. A couple were good but considering millions of dollars per commercial was spent, I just felt let down and so did the crowd we had watching the game. 

One woman said, the only reason I watch this stupid game is for the commercials and they sucked. 

How about the local ones too. I thought that stupid frog commercial was the worst of them all, I G Burton car dealership. 

What did you think?


  1. Joe why didn't you put a local Ad on the Superbowl.

  2. The Eastern Shore mentality is to over anticipate everything,and the SB or commercials within are prime examples.Of course it was a letdown if expected the sun and moon for pete sake.The next time just don't expect so much and you won't be let down.

  3. I think Manning did a better job than the creator of the Frog commercial.

    He at-least scored.

  4. Anyone else notice how many filler commercials WBOC ran? That was pretty sad that they didn't sell every spot they had available. Must have been asking to much for it.

  5. Why were local ads even aired!? That frog commercial was stupid. Thought it was Preston Auto though. No originality or creativity. Am also sick of Johnny Janosik and WBOC kissing their butts. I've never in my life heard of a news station sucking up to an advertiser like WBOC does and to top it off Johnny Janosik's rip-off prices are way higher than other furniture stores like Otten Bros, Furniture Land and Ashley Furniture.

  6. In a lot of them, you couldn't tell what the product was.

  7. Ads were better than the game, even the worst ones.

  8. didn't watch it. I have seen a couple online, and the Coke commercial was terrible. Liked radio shack.

  9. I thought the coke commercial was beautiful

  10. Johnny bought them that helicopter

  11. The commercials were weak. The worst were Preston ford with the frog, Coke and all of the car commercials. I also hated the Bud Light commercial.

  12. anonymous 10:01, it goes to show you how much it caught my attention. I couldn't believe we were actually muting the commercials during the game.

  13. If you want better commercials, then move to an area where the economy doesn't suck.

  14. 10:25 "America the Beautiful" needs to only be sung in American English - Period. Anything else is an absolute insult & a disgrace.

  15. 11:01 AM

    that has nothing to do with it

  16. That's like saying the bible should only be written in Latin.

  17. 11:19
    We didn't see any low budget Preston/Janosik commercials in Miami.

  18. Actually, the Bible was originally written in 3 languages, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

  19. And interestingly, the Star-Spangled Banner was set to music using a British tune. America the Beautiful though is all American, music and lyrics.

  20. The Bible is Universal. It is a history of a period in the experience of mankind. "America the Beautiful" is a dedication to our nation for our people. It is the language of the Country and those that are here for more than three months that choose to not speak American English should do, as one of the early American liberals, Teddy Roosevelt, said, "Get the hell out". They don't need to be included in the tributes to our (once) great Nation.

  21. I think people forget that not only was our great nation founded by "immigrants", most of the 1st generation immigrants who came here during the industrial revolution and built us into the superpower we are never gave up their native Italian, Polish, Chinese, etc., etc. The industries and transport systems that made our country great were built on the backs of these people. Quit being so narrow minded. We have always found immigrant populations to do our dirty work with the promise of a better life.

  22. Spiderman, Doberhuahua, and Cosmos.

  23. Little wonder the eastern shore is being left behind….

  24. Groundfrog Day was Preson, not IG Burton. Nobody was any good at trying to act and while the script tried to portray a sense of purpose and urgency it never materialized. It was a really stupid and expensive gamble.

    I also thought the Hyunday/Kia commercials were dumb. I didn't get a sense of purpose with them.

    The Pet adoption and the doberhuahua were pretty good.

    I'd say that the rest were average.

  25. As usual, too much violence in the commercials. However, I DID like the example of the unexpected problems to be encountered by cross-breeding the dogs. Most responsible experts will agree that this is a BAD idea. The results are totally unpredictable.


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