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Monday, February 03, 2014

State Treasurer Kopp Opposes O’Malley’s $100M Cut In Md. Pension Contribution

State Treasurer Nancy Kopp told lawmakers Thursday that she opposed Gov. Martin O’Malley’s proposed $100 million cut in the pension contribution, and said it would undermine trust by the state’s bond rating agencies.

“I think this is a very difficult thing to defend with the rating agencies,” Kopp told the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Public Safety and Administration.

Kopp was testifying as chairman of the State Retirement and Pension System Board of Trustees. As treasurer, she is also the top state official that handles Maryland’s bond issues and deals with the three New York firms that rate them.


  1. O'Malley could care less about Bond Ratings

    I guarantee you that a transaction audit will have people going to jail.

  2. I agree with her 100% and I am a Republican.

  3. This Gov. Is gonna run for Pres.

  4. Kopp is a straight shooter. Always has been.

    This is yet another pass-the-literal-buck to someone else to make himself look good.

  5. freeze traditional defined benefit pensions now. Institute 401k and quite feeding the government and its less than qualified employees.

  6. O'Malley looked at Detroit, where they robbed ex-cops (!) of THEIR pensions and there were no riots, hangings, or a peep of civil unrest. He started thinking, hey, WE have tons more armed troops than broke-ace Detroit! GIMME THAT MONEY! If anyone (meaning "we, the people") gets out of line, we can shoot them, no problem.
    Wait til they smell all the money in your IRA's and 401(k)'s.
    You may have missed a lot of that news, cheering so loudly, you know....


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