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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Solutions To Black Education

A fortnight ago, my column focused on how Philadelphia's schoolteachers have joined public-school teachers in cities such as Atlanta, Detroit, Los Angeles, Columbus, New York and Washington in changing student scores on academic achievement tests. Teachers have held grade fixing parties, sometimes wearing rubber gloves to hide fingerprints. In some cases, poorly performing students were excused from taking exams to prevent them from dragging down averages.

As a result of investigations, a number of schoolteachers and administrators have been suspended, fired or indicted by states attorneys general.

Most of these cheating scandals have occurred in predominantly black schools across the nation. At one level, it's easy to understand — but by no means condone — the motivation teachers have to cheat. Teachers have families to raise, mortgages, car payments and other financial obligations. Their pay, retention and promotions depend on how well their students perform on standardized tests.


1 comment:

  1. That is the problem with public education today.....you can't do anything about disruptive behavior. Parents who have the means put their children in private school. That fixes their problem but doesn't fix the problem of disruptive behavior in public school and eliminates another role model of acceptable behavior. Handing out school vouchers to parents so their children can go to private school doesn't fix the disruptive behavior in the public school. Private school can tell a parent that "your child isn't welcome here anymore because of their disruptive behavior". Back to the public school goes the disruptive behavior. What have we fixed? NOTHING!! Why is this country so quick to shove the problem "under the rug"? It is all about money...the evil of the world because we don't control it, it is controlling us!
    ps you know those disruptive behaviors in school are your thugs on the street! Public school isn't allow to correct such behaviors so a monster is in the making! Parents who do their job raising their children with morals, pay taxes too and need to take a stance on why we as a society tolerate such intolerable behavior. Or you just have some wall street greedy goons saying they can take those trillions of federal education dollars and build schools for profit. Who will be the winners and who will be the losers? It's time to take back our public schools and get big government out of them.


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