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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Smart Meters


  1. Looks like Jim's Dad -

  2. After they get them installed they will be powering down during the day when they can save money and you will have to wake up three in the morning to do your wash and run your dryer.

  3. @9:44
    Besides the fact that you pay for, but no longer control your usage, I can think of a coupla other probs. Don't know/care about the emissions, but I'm assuming a smart meter would also allow them to charge more, as peak usage info would be available. I always assume that ANYTHING that transmits/receives wireless signals is hackable and controllable by someone unauthorized, e.g., a neighbor who's up on dark coding.

  4. As I mentioned before in an earlier smart meter article - my neighbors think this is the BEST way to go and they actually think its wonderful to have these meters installed on our homes - They made a comment to me right in front of other people that I should not believe everything I read on the internet and that I need to stay up with technology! Ever since they installed these meters in my neighborhood and office, I have had major ear problems!

  5. Wrapped in foil should cure it.

  6. Wait until it is 117 this summer and they bump them back to 78. Then you will hear a different story.

  7. just pull meter out and use heavy duty jumper cables (2 ga.) to make the connection.


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