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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sheriff Mike Lewis And Home Defense

In response to many questions from both business clients and class participants, I spoke with Sheriff Mike Lewis recently regarding his position on home defense.

During our conversation, Sheriff Lewis made it clear to me that he is a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter and would not back any legislation infringing upon or limiting one's Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms. Further, he has fought for his constituents' 2nd Amendment rights in Annapolis.
I carried the following away from the Sheriffs conversation with me. The following is paraphrased:

Sheriff Lewis believes in 2nd Amendment rights.

As a homeowner presented with a deadly force situation, such as an armed home invasion, a homeowner is not required to retreat from or within his home.

Deadly force is an option when confronted with deadly force, perceived deadly force, or serious bodily injury within the home. You must be in fear for your life or a perceived threat of a deadly threat or serious bodily injury (I.e. Rape, serious assault, perceived serious assault).

Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC.


  1. Based on what I am reading here, you can use deadly force to protect your life but you can not use the same to protect you property.

    Sand Box John

  2. Love the Stand Your Ground rule in Florida. If abused you suffer.

  3. Better be able to prove it.

  4. Good to know that Lewis hasn't taken the globalist bait.

  5. Good to know we have a sheriff that still believes in the constitution of the United States.

  6. so are we to rejoice that the sheriff recognizes we have the constitutional right to defend our lives, loved ones and our homes? Seem's to me I don't need the sheriff or any other government agent to affirm my rights!

  7. Everyone has kitchen knives just shot the bum and put one in his hand, "I afeared form mylivefs offisirs"......

  8. Thanks, but I dont need permission to protect myself or my family.

    And that includes protecting them from the police if the need arises.

  9. I think the bottom line is if you kill an intruder in your home you must be able to PROVE that your life or the life of a loved one was in danger. If not it could suck to be you.

  10. I just want to point out that you either believe in and uphold the whole Constitution or you are little more then a traitor. There is no place for a true American to support the 2nd Amendment yet disregard the 3rd & 4th.

  11. 9;35 no, it would suck to be one of your family members depending on your to protect them! since you appear to want to give the intruder the benefit of the doubt! good luck with that! I'm sure after you gently request he leave he'll realize the error of his ways and heed your request!


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