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Monday, February 03, 2014

Saying No To The U.S. Census

A Woodsboro couple is refusing to respond to a U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, saying the federal government's questionnaire is too invasive.

Now, Bob and Joan Rapier say their lack of response is being met with harassing phone calls from Census employees, one of which threatened a fine of up to $5,000.

“We are being harassed,” said Joan Rapier, 68.

The couple said they received a 28-page questionnaire about two weeks before Christmas. Aside from more innocuous questions like the number of people in the household, the questionnaire seeks answers about home mortgages and income. Joan Rapier said those questions were “offensive to us.”

“Somebody got carried away with this,” said Bob Rapier, 72.


  1. I filled mine out using a pencil with very little pressure which made it in legible or very hard to comprehend. Just a smidgen of disobedience.

  2. they are too invasive. don't answer the dam_ questions.

  3. census is a count, being the government don't give a crap just tell them you got 1 million illegals in your home! maybe they will reward you!

  4. "This information is not shared with any other governmental agency."
    Yeah, Right.

  5. 7:18...ditto!
    and "This information is not shared with any other governmental agency" is said with a straight face.
    Yeah, Right.
    For me, I now fear my government.

  6. Age: 72

    That explains him making a big deal out of nothing.

  7. 753, it's not "nothing", it's about our laws. My answer to the census was "two", as required by law. Nothing beyond that is required.

    I, too was visited by our dear government and harassed over it. My only answer to the harassment was "Two".

  8. This recently happened to me. They sent 2 surveys in the mail addressed to "Resident". Anything I receive with Resident I throw in the trash. Then then they threatened me with a fine, so I agreed to a phone survey. It took 30 minutes and 2 beers for me to get through it and 80% of the questions I pleaded the 5th or n/a.


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