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Saturday, February 15, 2014


Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul said he is starting a petition drive to provide clemency for fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

Paul, a Texas Republican known for his strong Libertarian leanings, said Snowden had done a service through his "courageous actions" and should not be prosecuted for spilling the details of the NSA's high-volume communications monitoring.

"Edward Snowden sacrificed his livelihood, citizenship, and freedom by exposing the disturbing scope of the NSA's worldwide spying program," Paul said Thursday on his Web site. "Thanks to one man's courageous actions, Americans know about the truly egregious ways their government is spying on them."



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 15, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    Good Petition, but rembember those who stood against This Corrupted Obama's Administration, those who exposed the truth about it's evil tactics. Andrew Breitbart who "accidently" died shortly after, Jack Wheeler who was murdered in Delaware, Lt.Dr. Lakin, who was sent to prison, Larry Sinclair who hid in Mexico and many more. So, it is probably safer for Snowden to stay in Russia for while.

  2. People like Snowden do what people like myself only wish I could do.I wonder if he's been spotted at the Olympics.Someone like Joe Albero would hunt him down and do an interview if he was in the crowd.That would be sensational.

  3. Hero twice. This guy made it very clear what our government is up to, and it's not pretty!

    Thank you Edward for an exemplary job! I wish you a long and prosperous life.


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