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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Rick Pollitt Wants To Poison The Taxpayers

What the hell is going on with Wicomico County? Is Joe Holloway the only person they could contact on the County Council that has a functioning brain cell? At least he knows a lot more research needs to be done before jumping into this fiasco. Maybe he realizes there will be lawsuits coming down the pike. Poisoning the tax payers is not a way to raise property tax revenue.

A few years back the county had the opportunity to turn methane gas created in the landfill, into electricity and they opt to lease the land to some company rather than generate the revenue for the county. They weren't sure it would be feasible. NOW they are spending $27,000 to some consultant out of Virginia to help draft a request for bids for a vaporization plant that will cost $75 MILLION to build, in a county that is down 3.5 million in property tax revenue. Vaporizing trash! There is not one plant like this in the entire United States. Sound familiar?  Wicomico County wants to play with our lives and livelihood using us as guinea pigs, at our expense. Not only our financial expense, the expense of our health and the health of the surrounding farms. This plant will cause more deadly pollution on the West side of Salisbury than any they claim chicken manure causes. Of course, they're saying chicken growers can bring their manure to them for disposal. WHY would they do that when Perdue is already converting manure to fertilizer pellets?

On one hand they're saying they'll be using carbon monoxide and hydrogen to incinerate the waste which will reduce air pollutants. On the other hand, the final step, will kill us. DIOXINS and OTHER harmful contaminants that are not listed, will be produced in this final step.

Our elected officials went to New Jersey to hear more about this disastrous plant. Did they ever think to ask, if this is such a great concept WHY isn't New Jersey using it? Instead, New Jersey pays to have their trash hauled down here to our landfill.

Oh and one minor detail, tipping fees for the landfill will be increased.

Wicomico wants to be the first. First at what? Seeing how many people and how much food you can kill off of the surrounding farms with Dioxons and other contaminants?

Did the county take into consideration our Organic growers that pay a small fortune for certification? How can they be certified organic when the county willfully pollutes the air with harmful and deadly contaminants? Will Rick Pollitt and his band of fools be the first to eat foods grown in the area of this proposed killer plant?

From the World Health Organization: In terms of dioxin release into the environment, solid waste incinerators are the worst culprits due to incomplete combustion.

It is estimated that 90% of human exposure to dioxins is through the food supply. Consequently, protecting the food supply is critical. Contamination of the food can occur at any point from "farm to table". The safety assurance of food is a continuous process that begins with production and ends in consumption. Good controls and practices during primary production, processing, distribution and sale are all essential to the production of safe food.


Haven't we learned from our returning Vietnam Vets? Since the County wants to partner with an already interested partner, WHY doesn't the INVESTOR put up the $27,000.00 to the consulting firm creating the RFP?

The whole thing stinks, literally. Here we go with yet another unproven Waste Water Treatment Plant project and this Council and Rick Pollitt think the taxpayers are actually going to fall for it. We may be nicknamed "slower lower" but one thing is for sure, we're NOT one of Jerry's Kids. Demand this project come to an end, including the spending of $27,000.00 to draft the RFP. For Crimminy Sake, we pay an incredible amount of salaries just in the Executives Office alone and he better have someone who can handle such things when they are needed, especially with THREE attorneys on board. 

You people really need to get rid of Rick Pollitt.


  1. New job creation program for PRMC

  2. This idea of vaporization is country wide.. not a new idea.

    We do not have the money that is true.. but Baltimore City has had a trash incineration plant on Interstate 95 for over 20 years...

    It is not going to kill us.. please let us not give everything the leftist overkill...

  3. anonymous 9:06, PROVE IT! Tell each and every one of us HOW YOU KNOW the toxins coming out of this system will not kill us, PROVE IT.

    We live in a day and age where far too many people like me are sick and tired of the Liberal Lies at our expense.

    I'm tired of paying for lazy low life people sucking off welfare, food stamps, $300.00 a month housing because they won't get off their rear ends to actually be productive, ANYWHERE. I'm tired of local politicians wasting MY tax dollars making trips to New Jersey to look at a BS idea that has only been tested on a very small scale in a mini lab.

    Is this Rick Pollitts answer to RECOVERY? Did you people know they would be 40% shy of TRASH immediately after opening the doors. So, what does that mean. Well, it means that they would either have to RAISE the tipping fees OR import trash from other states and BURN it here while we breath in the CRAP.

  4. This "wanting to be the first" attitude a lot of times ends up being nothing more than a big fiasco that costs the tax payers way more than they bargained for. Does the Sby WWTP ring a bell? Or how about Solyndra? Let some other area do and pay for the legwork and build this. If proven a success then copy their model.

  5. Damn it Rick, why don't you go off to some happy hunting ground and leave the "thinking" to someone who can actually do just that. Geez.

  6. Where do these ideas originated from? Could it be that the new public works director is trying to make a name for himself? When the news of a $3.5 "short fall" has just surfaced after the executives staff had miss projected a growth of employment do we really want to trust them with a project of this size. I think not. I agree with 9:23, let someone else do the research on their dollars. Wicomico can't afford to invest our dollars.

  7. Listen up Wicomico County officials. I am struggling to put food on my table for the family. I can't afford another tax increase for any purpose. Don't you get it? Maybe you guys haven't experienced what most of the residents in Wicomico County have because we don't earn your salary levels. This county is so screwed up with its leadership. Please I am begging, don't put another $ of tax on us.

  8. Joe you highlight light one of the biggest problems with the developed world today. They all think or at least really want to use technology to solve every problem. Yes technology is extremely useful when used responsibly but as we see no one is using the existing technology in a sound manner. There are thousands of low tech answers to everything we do. Like sorting garbage before ti hits the dump. Like sorting recycling. We have massive number of unemployed people that we are just giving money to. Why cant these people, who are predominantly unskilled, do this work? If you only think of the infrastructure we maintain and then use these people to do the work its win win for everyone involved. Shovel ready jobs with a shovel ready populace.

    Just a thought.

  9. Joe, will you be endorsing Bob Culver if you are unable to run for county executive?

  10. 9:38 Anyone on unemployment must maintain 15-20 hours working on county projects. Sort trash, clean up the river, roads, right of ways, etc. Anything.

    If they screw up my animals, or farm, they will have some problems.

  11. Pollitt & others probably just want a few days vacation at taxpayer expense. How close is the "meeting place" to the CASINOS??

  12. Long before you got here the Salisbury police building was where the trash incinerator was located.

  13. 9:35 It is very hard to admit financial problems but I agree with you. I can't pay another penny to live in this county. I believe those in control of the taxes just don't understand. If they did then they wouldn't be adding to our stress level. I'm driving a vehicle that is over 10 years old and more than 200,000 miles on it and I understand more than a million dollars was spent this year for county vehicles. All of these expenditures makes raising taxes s necessary. Something has to change. And now they are considering this huge project that has no history.

  14. Anon 9:38 why would you wait for them to screw up your animals and farm? Stand up BEFORE it's built and let your tax paying feelings be known.

  15. 9:35 It is very hard to admit financial problems but I agree with you. I can't pay another penny to live in this county. I believe those in control of the taxes just don't understand. If they did then they wouldn't be adding to our stress level. I'm driving a vehicle that is over 10 years old and more than 200,000 miles on it and I understand more than a million dollars was spent this year for county vehicles. All of these expenditures makes raising taxes s necessary. Something has to change. And now they are considering this huge project that has no history.

  16. Anon 9:06 If vaporization is country wide WHY is this being touted as a first of it's kind by the developers? Why is no other jurisdiction not using this model? Where is the EPA and MDE when you really need them.

  17. anonymous 10:15, you make an interesting point, one in which I have recognized over the past two years.

    For what it's worth, I know a LOT of people. Other than my Wife, I cannot recall a SINGLE person buying a new car in the past two years. In fact, MANY of the people I know also have more than 200,000 miles on their cars.

    I also know of a LOT of people who wouldn't know what to do if they somehow lost their vehicle.

    Then again, they don't work for the county where they provide not only the vehicle, they also provide all the maintenance and gas as well.

    Then those very same people want to throw away $75 MILLION on a system that has never been made or used in the United States.

  18. Think this is a lie look at china, where they have to move out of the city or wear mask because the level of pollution in the air is so great the air is un-breathable period!!!!

    Yes this is revelations at its finest... God did say we would be the ones to kill ourselves...

    Here end the lesson...

  19. This economic crisis should be the opening bell to disarm state, city and county employees with transportation to and from work. I guess we taxpayers also pay for the gasoline they put in the cars also. Haven't they ever heard of car pooling if they need to go out of town? Most of us taxpayers have to provide our own transportation or we wouldn't have a job!

  20. Don't know where in the heck you are getting your information but over 20% of the waste/garbage in this country is being incinerated/vaporized currently. I see no problem spending $27K to research and prepare the RFP. Lead, follow or get out of the way. These methods are the future.

  21. I swear - some people don't learn a thing. I can see another SALISBURY WASTE WATER TREATMENT Plant fiasco in the making.

    Let some other municipalities try it first - but please don't let Wicomico become another Guinea Pig. Our taxpayers are already overtaxed and we simply cannot take the risks. The downside much heavier than the upside - believe me.

  22. Our County is in no shape to be bonding another capital improvement. What we need is for some money to come into the direction of our hard working public - and particularly in reference to a refund.

  23. This is a no brainer-DROP THE IDEA NOW. As stated above, don't be the guinea pig. The jury is still out on the toxicity, so err on the side of caution. I am not even a parent, but for the life of me, I can't see how anyone with children would approve of this. The long term effects are unknown, not only the health angle, but environmental.

  24. Joe, I thought Liberals were environmentalists. It doesn't make sense that Liberal Democrats would want to build a plant that pollutes the environment. You're confusing me, bro.

  25. Just another way to divert our tax money and pocket the change.

  26. I'm sure they are trying to push this through the current Council with RINOs Prettyman, M. Holloway and Hall voting. Those three are totally in the pocket of Strasberg's regime. The way they have been manipulated by him and his agents (Mackes for one) is unbelievable. Prettyman falls for flattery, Hall is a lackey of Mackes and M. Holloway is being led to believe he is being a statesman or something. They would agree to a nuclear attack if they thought it would make the big boys happy. Give me a freaking break.

  27. I love Strausberg's quote, it's a lot like buying a new model of a new car. He's really into cars, isn't he, he just doesn't like paying for them himself.

  28. 10:46, go back to your room and shut the door until you get some common sense.

    we don't have the money to waste on ANYTHING that isn't Tested, Tried and PROVEN to be a winner.

    I suggest you invest your money in the EXPERIEMENT so we don't have to lose more money out of this county. We're broke. GET IT?

  29. Some years ago I was the contract Start-up engineer for the ill-fated wood chip fired co-generation power plant at Eastern correctional Institution. As it turned out, the design was flawed partially the result of accepting the lowest bid (from an engineering company that had never designed a power plant) and the assumption that wood chips were a limitless free resource. WRONG!
    As far as I can tell the power plant is still in the throw's of governmental policy and methane fuel technology.
    Regardless, for the taxpayer to again be forced to finance with their hard earned and budgeted financial resources a “beta-technology" is just plain wrong... Just plain wrong!

  30. I don't know 10:46, i was just reading an article about how they're turning trash into compost with some new system, then they sell the compost for money.

  31. Why are the RINOS allowing this I am fed up with county and am selling my homes off to DELAWARE.

  32. Who is getting the kick backs

  33. 11:08, you make a good point. This normally would be a good idea for conservatives, but because it's coming from the other side, it's foolhardy.

  34. dittos 1:13 and 1:39...

  35. 11:36am You are such a genius. Enough said.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Damn it Rick, why don't you go off to some happy hunting ground and leave the "thinking" to someone who can actually do just that. Geez.

    January 28, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Liberal Democrats don't hunt they hate guns. WTH are you thinking?

  37. If this area doesn't get JOE ALBERO in charge, we will DIE

  38. The people of Salisbury need to
    stand up against this!!! It's
    outrageous to even think it's a
    consideration with the shape this
    County is in money wise. They
    Can't even fix our Much Needed
    Highways here!!! The whole bunch
    is a disgrace to the people they
    represent. Joe Holloway is the only one with any common sense!!!

  39. I am shaking my head trying to understand and balance the comments. Many of the new equipment and vehicles that were purchased were for the Roads Department, from what I understand, has been trying to function with dumptrucks and other equipment from the late 80's and early 90's. How can they be dependable? It appears they are trying to throw money to the department for equipment so that they can do more work in house. Yet some of you seem upset about the new vehicles and equipment, but say the highways need to be repaired. Don't understand what you want. I am in favor of money going to our road department. I think they do a good job considering the cuts they have taken.

  40. "Don't know where in the heck you are getting your information but over 20% of the waste/garbage in this country is being incinerated/vaporized currently. I see no problem spending $27K to research and prepare the RFP. Lead, follow or get out of the way. These methods are the future."

    Don't know where in the heck you are getting you info either, but it's not incineration/vaporization we are even talking about. It's gasification.
    If you see no problem with spending the 27,000 then by all means get your checkbook out and write the check. That's the problem with you sponges. If it's not your money you are all for it. You are too GD dumb to even know what we are talking about and already wanting to dive in with the "methods of the future" BS.

  41. It is time for the citizens of Wicomico County to start attending the county council meetings. Your voice can't be heard from the seat in front of your computer. We have a lot of creative people living in our county. We all need to put our heads together to come up with ideas of how to get this county up and running again. It is obvious that the officials don't have a clue what are needs are.

  42. so we feel the need to figure out how to get rid of trash, but we let other states haul trash into our landfill. then they tell us our landfill is only good for so many more years. how does that make any sense at all?


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