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Monday, February 24, 2014

Rice Says No Regrets On Benghazi, Leaving McCain ‘Almost Speechless’

National Security Adviser Susan Rice insisted Sunday she used “the best information we had at the time” when she described the deadly Benghazi attack as a spontaneous protest in 2012 — but Sen. John McCain wasn’t buying it.

The Arizona Republican said he was “almost speechless” after learning of Ms. Rice’s comments on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” which marked her first interview on a Sunday talk show since her disastrous September 2012 appearances to discuss Benghazi.

“I’m almost speechless, because it’s patently obvious, first of all, that Susan Rice had no reason to be on the program, she had no involvement in it [Benghazi],” said Mr. McCain on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”


  1. She's a Democrat so she's a liar.

  2. I think we are all a little speechless over everything the current crop of dems are dishing out.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 24, 2014 at 6:03 PM

    Put her on the stand and charge her with Treason. And Hillary too. And the man who made the so-called "anti-muslim" video needs to be released from jail. I hope this Crooked Party of Democ-rats is taking notes about Ukraine. When the.Government turns against its own.people, IT BACKFIRES BIG TIME, EVERY TIME.

  4. Sorry, Rice has been on the Obama banana too long.

  5. Most people don't care. Most Obumma voters think Benghazzi is a breed of dogs.

  6. She got her promotion, that's all she cares about. I'm more upset that congress isn't considering impeaching Obama. If Obama was a republican he would have been impeached years ago. Double standard.

  7. God knew about Benghazi 10,000 or more years ago.In lay terms,the fact that it unfolded in the manner in which it did means that it was destined to happen.Therefore,unless god made a huge mistake (and most of us know he does not make mistakes)there was no alternative.Humans simply did his bidding.


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