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Friday, February 07, 2014

Rep. Hoyer's Sexist Comments Are An Affront To Women

President Obama's State of the Union speech closed with a truly uniting moment when he honored the sacrifice of Army Ranger Cory Remsburg. Sergeant Remsburg bravely fought for our country through 10 tours of duty. Too bad House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) ensured that division was the name of the game only hours later.

Rep. Hoyer attacked Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), who delivered the GOP response to the State of the Union. Ignoring her stature in the GOP and her intellectual acumen, he instead reduced her solely to her gender, calling her a "transparent" choice to give the state of the union and claiming she was chosen simply because the GOP wanted to have a "a woman give their response."

Ignoring the Democratic Party's diversity deficit on the gubernatorial level, let's focus on Rep. Hoyer's demeaning comments about women. Rep. Hoyer basically said that all Rep. McMorris Rodgers offers is her gender.

That's about the most sexist thing anyone could say.



  1. Steny is a died in the wool PG County liberal ass. I met him when he ran for his first term and called him out then... A total ass and he continues to climb up Obama's coat tails.
    It's no wonder he attacked Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers. She out classes him!

    Craig Theobald


  2. What I heard Rep. McMorris Rodgers mention was that she was married to a retired Naval officer, and that they have several small kids, including one with some special needs.

    Sounds like the disgusting human known as Steny Hoyer managed to disrespect a House colleague, a mom, the spouse of a retired military member, the parent of a child with some special needs and a professional, informed and articulate woman in one fell swoop.

    How's your actual war on women going Steny?

  3. Hoyer is an affront to the citizens of MD...even the whackos that elected him!

  4. An affront because women still depend on men for their survival.


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