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Monday, February 24, 2014

REMINDER: Coffee With Your Council Tomorrow At 6:30 PM


  1. We all know who the 3stooges are especially the EBT WELFARE QUEEN MITCELL I hope to expose who she is when she runs for county council useless POS.

  2. Just go ahead an expose her now Paula. It's never to early to start the ball rolling in order to reach more people. Then we need to keep the ball rolling nonstop. It's the only way we are going to get this country back on track.

  3. I am a city resident and I will definitely be there with bells on my toes!

  4. Why bother? They are going to do what they want when they want. Also, better to work on the outside.

  5. I am in that neighborhood close by and I can guarantee you I won't be there. Jake Day and Laura Mitchell and they will never get my vote again. As a matter of fact I will spend every nickel I have and every minute I can on getting their opponents elected. I get lied to and stabbed in the back and Jake and Laura think I will be there supporting them? Nope, ain't gonna happen.

    I feel a big dump coming on tomorrow night. I will be taking a Jake and wiping with a Laura.

    I just had to come back to this comment before I hit publish. Is it me or does anyone else think Jake Day might be Gay? Or at least wants to hold one?


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