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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Md. Superintendents Criticize Implementation Of School Reforms

Nearly all of the superintendents of Maryland school districts have signed a statement that criticizes federal and state education officials for forcing them to implement several major reforms, including the Common Core State Standards, on what they say is an unrealistic timetable.

The document, approved by 22 of Maryland’s 24 superintendents from districts educating more than 800,000 students, asks for more time and resources to put the reforms in place, including the use of newCommon Core tests expected in the 2014-2015 school year. The statement (which you can read here) represents the first time that such a high percentage of schools chiefs in Maryland have come together to publicly call out education officials over school reform.



  1. Lets not listen to 22 School Superintendants but continue with the progressive common core agenda. We want our kids to be robots and dependent on the government. Sounds pretty ignorant to me.


  2. Connect the dots...

    NCLB was a good idea (instill accountability) with a flawed premise (100% had to pass w/o exception).

    It became clear 100% wasn't gonna happen, despite big improvements.

    OweBama installed; hired his basketball buddy Duncan (head of horrible Chicago schools) as US Secy of ED.

    US Dept of Ed starts writing various 'waivers' not in NCLB law.

    Panic in place everywhere in education biz to find some graceful exit from NCLB looming failure.

    Cooked up Race To Top to ladle more money out. DE first to apply and cash in; MD close behind.

    Common Core concept cooked up.

    MD schools rated as tops*; DE back in the pack.

    Longtime MD Supt. retires; MD hires DE Supt. in jiffy.

    Money dangles to induce Common Core sign-ups.

    OweMalley & MD School Board jump on it pronto and determine to roll it out before curriculum or standardized tests are developed.

    A few states, with intact backbones, decline to participate.

    Now majority of MD Supers express some reservations! Horse out of barn!

    *MD excused a much higher % of students with various learning disabilities from taking NCLB tests even though all were to take them everywhere, per NCLB law.

  3. Maryland isn't calling it Common Core any more. Iowa and a few others aren't either. Change the name and maybe folks are stupid enough to believe it's a different program from Common Core.


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