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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Maryland Health Care Officials Weigh Switching To Federal Exchange

Leaders of the state’s troubled health exchange are considering firing the exchange’s prime contractor and switching to the federal health exchange.

Maryland’s top health care officials gave the options during a newly-formed legislative oversight committee’s first meeting on Monday. The committee was also told the state likely won’t reach its goal of enrolling 260,000 Marylanders in health care plans by the end of open enrollment March 31.

While the state will continue with its current system through the end of open enrollment, it is weighing other possibilities after that, said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, secretary of Maryland’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Sharfstein said the state is considering adopting technology used by other states, joining a consortium of states or simply making major fixes to its current system. But it’s also considering partnering with the federal marketplace, a move that could send Marylanders to Healthcare.gov.


  1. Ok. And how much is this going to cost us?

  2. Kind of like a total market index fund

  3. It wasn't so long ago omalley was saying MD was going to "lead the nation" in delivering healthcare to it's residents. So much for that! When are people going to wake up and admit that anything and everything democrats touch turns into a pile of crap. Every single one of the democrats holding current office need to be shown the door. They are useless and worthless proficient only at lying.

  4. It's a joke, what they're doing in Annapolis. And Brown will only make it worse.

  5. Wasn't Anthony Brown in charge?

  6. this is NO surprise. remember anything the government gets their hands on WILL FAIL and cost us a fortune.

  7. 12:31 He "was"... until the program fell on its face. Then, and only then, did he step back like it had AIDS.

  8. OH but the blacks will vote for Brown just because he is black because Lord knows it's not for his accomplishments! Nothing like running from the mess he helped to create. Typical irresponsible black behavior. The "men" do it all the time with the children they produce.

    When and until blacks wise up and vote responsibly will they ever see any improvement in their communities.

  9. 239, they don't want improvement in their communities. They want what they have now. Everybody's "equal" because they have nothing, and what they do have, they need to stay home to protect. Heck, they can't be going off to work just to get home and see their sh11 gone!


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