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Monday, February 24, 2014

Locals Texting Support On My Behalf Against Mini Parks In Downtown Salisbury

Haha you're awesome! I couldn't agree more about the stupid parks.. Maybe when we stop losing jobs and turn our local economy around.. We will never recover until our leadership turns over to people who actually know how to run a business instead of using our local tax money for parks we can't take care of.. Keep up the fight!

Hey Joe, I know people are giving you grief about "attacking" a 7 year old, who happens to be Ryan Weaver's son, I agree with you that its not a smart move. We need viable businesses down there, not dreams of a 7 year old that officials are taking serious. What are we paying people for? My business is downtown, not my wish or dream! I'm glad people are taking in interest, but we need to be thinking of actual viable businesses.


  1. Progressive-ism is a cult with some really ignorant people as members --How many Progressive Billionaires give up some of their wealth for income equality?

    Soetoro has illegal alien relatives living on public assistance.. in public housing. Just like his family lives in.

  2. Well if the playground bring kids and
    Families it will help your business. They have them all throughout the area I live.

  3. I keep seeing these comments and post about turning the economy around and gaining jobs.
    Do you guys really know what 16 trillion dollars is?
    I'll give you a good example , you buy a car for 5 million dollars and have to make 5 thousand a month payments for over a hundred years , trouble is you only make 1 thousand a month.
    WTF , how hard is that to understand?
    The economy will never be turned around , at least in this century.
    It's over , it's not like it used to be and it will get much , much worse.
    What the hell is wrong with the thinking process and brain power in this country?
    Of course , I know the simple simons just won't get it.

  4. I believe it is Donald Trump who says we need to tax the hell out of imports. Make things so expensive that no one will, nor can buy them and then see how fast GE and the other overseas manufactures start reopening plants inside the US again.

  5. 11:37 Agreed, we need to return to US soil. They can buy properties in Detroit for pennies, and get Americans back to work. And, 11:25, you're such an elitist douche. Take your hand pounding to the people who need to hear it, not many of those on here. The ones who post pro lib here, are trolls.

  6. I spent a good portion of this past weekend Downtown and as many of you know I lived in my building for more than a year.

    I truly and honestly cannot tell you when I can recall children, (ages who'd play in a playground) ever being Downtown.

    Even this past weekend I kept a special eye out to see if there were any children and again, there weren't any.

    I also spoke with numerous people while being down there and we spoke about this proposal. Not one person stated they liked the idea and or supported it.

    Now the Liberals are attacking me because I chose to disagree. I will remind them to go back to our original Post and see what WMDT's own Poll showed. At one point it was up to 98% voting against it.

    Now, the child that was on the news about this project was not only adorable, he was bright, well spoken and pleasant. I applaud this child for his hope and vision but there comes a time in which people are simply not going to agree with such a vision and that has proven to be the case here.

    There are Parks just about everywhere in Salisbury including Ben's Red Swings. It' time to move on...

  7. I guess Ben's Red Swings might be too far of a bike ride? I don't get it.

  8. 2;53,Ben's is enough, dont need more and 11:24 are you a 12 year old?


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