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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Liberals Can’t Give One Example Of Tea Party Racism When Questioned


  1. of course not ... they be like really dumb

  2. The NAAWP is a commin!!

  3. I have to laugh when I see this , the ignorance in the African American race. They march and don't even know what the hell they are marching for.
    Their are some whites involved too and they are just as ignorant.
    It is very sad when people follow the corrupt and don't know it.

  4. I remember some figure in history saying " The pen is mightier than the Sword" , it must have been way before M15 , M16 , Bushmaster and others that we have .

  5. The only voice heard now a days that is the black voice . Need some noise to wake up some people.
    I can think of a lot of noise.

  6. for the most part; dems are ignorant of most issues and American History...


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