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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Liberal Idiot Caught On Tape: Warning, Foul Language


  1. Should have told her bovines pollute with methane from thier arse..so shut yours

  2. I think both sides are wrong. There is a lack of civility and common decency in society in general. I'm not a liberal, but I wouldn't be happy either, if I were parked and maybe enjoying my lunch or a little piece and quiet and a loud diesel truck pulled up beside me and continued to run the truck and make noise. The gas fumes from the diesel would also be enough. I feel the same way when I am parked waiting for someone and I have to deal with loud offensive rap music! The problem is a lack to respect and courtesy towards others. The situation was not handled rationally by either party.

  3. First of all how can it be a "gas guzzler" when it is diesel. Last I checked you get better MPG with diesel than you do with a gas engine. The diesel used now days also burns cleaner than gas. She seems to be only worried about herself if she was really worried about anyone else she would not have used that language in front of a child. If she is so concerned that vehicles are polluting the earth maybe she should walk and she can take a few of those pounds off.

  4. I keep a loaded potato gun in my car for people like this.

  5. plus she had a cigarrette in her hand, talking about pollution.

  6. 1:52 AM

    it was a pen. plenty of other spaces for that whine bag to park, as she wasn't even parked in a spot when she was whining.

    the woman should have clocked her ass.

  7. Shouldve cut cam off and beat the hell out of her

  8. 8:19 and 9:09 - in this case, you are being redundant....

  9. 9:22 must be one of them!


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