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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Last Night's Wicomico County Council Meeting - Council Votes No To Pay Raises For County Council Members, County Executive, Sheriff

Last night the Wicomico County Council voted no to pay raises for the County Council members, County Executive, and Sheriff.  Although there was a general consensus that a pay raise was due, Council members cited the condition of the local economy precluded them from invoking the pay raises. 

Prior to the vote on the pay increases - there was extensive discussion and testimony from the public on the Income Revenue Projections that came up considerably short from what the County Executive's office originally submitted in its 2013 - 2014 operating budget.  A projected 3.47 million dollar income tax  revenue shortfall is being projected by the Finance Department as a result of a deterioration in the local area jobs estimate.

Bottom line - with so many new taxes - (rain tax), and, pending Maryland General Assembly legislation - (chick tax) - that could prove to be detrimental to Wicomico's already deteriorating financial condition, the County Council decided to not grant the pay increases at this time.  In addition, yesterday the Federal GAO released another report - (click onto link) - that predicts further erosion of America's job base as a result of the Affordable Health Care Act.  Under the GAO's 123 page report, it cites that employers will continue to reduce workers hours and trim employment hiring as a result of the mandates contained in the Affordable Health Care Act.  The report states that AHC act will force an additional 2 million workers out of the labor market.
(More to come as to the vote tally)

In this author's humble opinion - the action taken by the Wicomico County was correct and is in the best interest of Wicomico County taxpayers. 


  1. Thank you council for voting NO!

  2. It was a perfect storm. How could the council vote to give raises when they had just listened to a presentation of a budget short fall FY14. Thanks for voting responsibly on this issue.

  3. Thanks for being responsible.

  4. But Obama continues to spend money we don't have. Why shouldn't we do it everywhere?



  6. IMHO, the Federal, State, and Local economies are simply to precarious to justify a pay raise. I wish the CC would have taken that into consideration before the last round of pay raises. I believe the move was prudent.

  7. Thank you for the responsible vote.

    from a taxpayer...

  8. I am surprised that that Pollitt would have attempted these raises in such an adverse environment. He must be wearing blinders.

  9. Thank you council for voting No, the correct and responsible thing to do right now.

    A Taxpayer in this County

  10. Last night on FOX news they were all over the congressional budget office report. I saw Megan Kelly reporting on the numbers and the projected employment numbers were terrible.

  11. Only on Salisbury News can you find this coverage. I haven't seen anything on any of the other medias.

  12. I heard that there was a big turn out at that meeting. About time the public got involved.

  13. That government report on Obamacare will drive the last nail in the coffin for any improvement in employment numbers. You wait and see, the democrats are going to start running away from their leader now that the election approaches.

  14. To 8:37 Posting - I agree. I do not think our County Executive was being very responsible in his request for pay raises. Thank God our county council had enough foresight to see through the maze.

  15. I am not going to thank anyone for their vote, voting for what is best for taxpayers is what they get paid to do!

  16. I think everyone could see that the economy has reverted back to the stone age. It looks very bleak around here.

  17. Obamacare is indeed a big factor here. That law will put this Country on it's knees unless we can repeal it. It can be repealed by voting all Democrats out of office.

  18. any negative vote should be voted out.

  19. I would like to see Johnny Miller, John Palmer, Dave Parker, Greg Belcher and any other whiner work a full time job for about $16,000 a year.

  20. anonymous 5:09, Let me just say this. The names you mention above do far more to deliver truthful FACTS then any one of the Council Members and GUESS WHAT, none of them get paid a DIME! Now, how big of a fool do you look like now?


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