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Sunday, February 09, 2014

It's Time To Expose Rental Vehicle Profiling

Today I received an e-mail from the DE State Police. It was too far north to publish but let me share a small piece of what their Press Release stated. 

"A traffic stop was conducted just south of the toll plaza and contact was made with the operator, Marquis L. Maddox. Maddox provided the trooper with his license and rental agreement on the car which stated no additional drivers and did not have Maddox as the primary driver." It went on to say the driver was simply going above the posted speed limit, (not how fast he was going).

Now let me share a story with you in which I think many will read with great interest.

My Son and seven of his close friends recently made a trip to Florida to celebrate New Years. They rented a large RV and had an incredible time. 

On their way home they were on Rt. I-95 in Virginia, about an hour away from their final destination when a VA State Trooper pulled them over. They had been on the road for almost 12 hours, most of them in shorts and tee shirts to stay comfortable. 

The Trooper came to the drivers window and informed them that their tag light was out. My Son explained how it was a rental vehicle and they had no idea. The Officer asked if they had any illegal drugs in the vehicle. They replied, no. The Officer then asked how many people were in the vehicle and he replied, eight. He then asked if he could take a look. Being innocent, they agreed. 

The next thing they knew they were ALL being asked to step out of the vehicle. My Son, (and others) asked if it was OK to put pants on and a jacket, it was very cold outside. They were told, NO. 

In a very short period of time there were NINE State Troopers on the scene, along with a K-9. The Officers went inside and tore the RV apart looking for drugs. Mind you, they had to return the RV at 9 AM the following morning. 

As time passed my Son again asked if they could please put some pants on and a jacket as they were all leaning against a guard rail and freezing half to death. He was told to shut up. My Son then asked if they could please just use the K-9 and get it over with. Again, they refused to do so. Instead, they tore the place apart. They stood outside for nearly THREE HOURS! The Police found NO DRUGS because they don't do drugs.

However, in Law Enforcement eyes, you put eight guys in their mid to late 20's in a rental vehicle, the odds of finding some kind of drugs is probably pretty high. In this case, Law Enforcement lost. Now the kids had to put everything back together overnight before they turned the vehicle back in the next morning.

Now, think about this as well. Could you imagine IF the person who had rented this vehicle BEFORE these eight young adults, HAD been transporting drugs! Perhaps some residue left behind! 

DO NOT RENT VEHICLES!!! It is the #1 target for Law Enforcement, especially on the Interstates. When and IF you get pulled over, REFUSE to allow them to search your vehicle, no matter how much they threaten you. Just because YOU are INNOCENT doesn't mean Law Enforcement will treat you with the same respect. 

I have seen way too many stories like this in the 10 years I've been doing this. My Son's Family is BIG into Law Enforcement. His Grandfather provides the majority of ammunition to law enforcement and his Uncle is one of the owners of Maryland Small Arms Range. He thought he was doing the right thing and in the end these young adults were abused. 

I'm hoping this article goes viral across the nation. I hope it gets shared with every news agency out there so Americans can see that we do NOT live in a FREE Country. We are more like Russia and the Police simply have too much power and control. The laws need to be changed. The Police need to be challenged. This rental vehicle situation needs to be addressed by legislators and the ONLY way that is going to happen is IF Americans speak out about THEIR own experiences. 

You should know, a LARGE, (if not largest) amount of vehicle drug busts do come from rental vehicles.


  1. My kid had his tire sliced apart by local police looking for drugs. None were found and he had to replace the tire.

  2. Salisbury police have pulled over my daughter eight times now. They handcuffed her and put her on the side of the road while they searched her car for drugs. She has never been arrested but we have spent a lot of time putting her car back together and there is nothing I can do about it because she's an adult.

  3. If he had not have been speeding, then he would not have got stopped. No sympathy.

  4. At first I thought race was an issue but I saw no mention of it.Ninety some percent of Americans do not rent vehicles for any reason.That makes profiling those who do rent vehilcles much easier.If even 10% of Americans rented vehicles on a regular basis profiling would be impossible.I realize this is a principle issue vs a numbers issue,but math is part of everything in life.

  5. 11:09, he wasn't speeding. READ, he was pulled over for a tag light being out.

  6. Too aggressive Officers should be chastised

  7. @11:10
    Where does one come up with such statistics?
    Business travelers rent vehicles several times a month.

  8. The majority of large drug transports on our interstate roadways are done with rental cars and RVs. Excellent work in this again by local LE.

  9. If the police cause damage to a vehicle are not they responsible for the repairs?

  10. Do not answer any questions and NEVER consent to any searches. The police are not your friend.

  11. Non consent to a search would have brought about the same results.
    Cop would have claimed he smelled pot, brought in the dog with a false flag, and still ransacked the RV.
    These kids never had a chance, and the deck is stacked against them/us.

  12. Somewhere along the way, things have changed in this country. I'm not exactly sure when, but they have definitely changed.
    Its seems like law enforcement looks for a minor traffic violation as a lead-in to conduct an roadside "investigation". Doesn't seem to matter what age or color, as the previous post reflected: "they are not your friend". Police are no longer employed to protect and serve the public. They are employed to enforce,harass and collect fines from the taxpaying public. They have figured out how to build their own private armies through their enforcement efforts. The police state is here! Never thought I'd live to see this day come.

  13. Now you see how young black men feel everyday, rental car or not

  14. 12:36. I agree. When we were young we were taught that the police were our friend. I remember a night in 1967 that I was stopped for a brake light out. I was young and had a couple of beers. The officer asked if I'd been drinking and I told him the truth. Being I was only a mile from home, he said he would follow me home and if he thought I was impaired to drive he would pull me over and I was going to jail.
    I pulled in the driveway, he blew his horn and went on his way. I guess those days are over.

  15. 11:38 is a complete buffoon with NO regard for the rights of "we, the people". In his world, making citizens stand outside in cold weather, dressed in shorts and T-shirts, for THREE HOURS, is just the price we all have to pay in order allow fishing expeditions by the Gestapo, who HOPE to find SOMETHING. I'll bet if it was HIS wife and baby out in the cold, he'd feel a LOT differently..... A broken tail light goes straight to a full blown, multi-officer & K9 search and destruction of property?
    Used to be, you just got a warning or an inspection ticket. And the police wonder why so many citizens think they are paramilitary thugs, with a "I can do whatever I want" badge and a total disdain for the freedoms we USED to be GUARANTEED by, oh never mind.
    Just keep cheering.

  16. 12:33 PM

    The cops may have done what they wanted, but in court it may not be admissable.

    The side of the road is not a place to argue with a cop, especially nowadays, you may get hurt or killed.

    In a court they have to prove their reasons and whether they had pc or consent to search.

    If on consents, they help the police to convict them, regardless if they broke any law.

    Cops ARE allowed to lie when questioning people you know. And you want to help them?

  17. First of rental vehicles are used all over the country for drug traffic because law enforcement won't generally take them. The criminal then just walks and keeps their own vehicle that's just how it goes these days.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do not answer any questions and NEVER consent to any searches. The police are not your friend.

    February 8, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    You want a friend? Get a dog.

  19. I used to get profiled a lot because I had long hair. If I knew there is no contraband in the vehicle I would refuse a search, let them call the K-9. If you do take this approach make sure you video tape the whole event, and make sure to constantly ask "am I being detained, if so for what reason?" This is America, we have the constitution and we have rights. I would have made those PIGS get a search warrant and pull a boner because they wouldn't find anything. Then I'd post the whole video captioning the LE involved and put it on UTube.

  20. 2:41 Thank you for putting words in my post that I never wrote.

    I simply stated an observation. I never said comply, I never said submit, I never said agree to a search.

    I simply pointed out the fact that whether you comply or not, they will do a search. Did you have a point other than misconstruing my post?

  21. 3:44, They almost begged for them to please use the K-9 to get it over with. They were freezing and the Police refused to let the dog do a search. They just kept drilling each one of them on the side of the Interstate hoping to get something inconsistent.

  22. This is 3:44, I want to add that never disrespect the LE during such an event, maintain cool and calm, but stand your ground. I saw the article about the NAACP seminar below and that is something that I have already been researching. I will be attending and it may very well be the same program I researched, know your rights!

  23. I simply pointed out the fact that whether you comply or not, they will do a search. Did you have a point other than misconstruing my post?

    February 8, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    Obviously you missed the point. there is no guarantee they will do a search if you do not give consent.

    I've led the horse to water, but can't force it to drink.

  24. I have no problem with profiling. It is unfortunate that these kids got caught up in it but the police have a good idea what they're doing and probably get it right the majority of the time.

  25. If they do a search without your consent or without a search warrant, even IF they find something the judge will throw it out of court! Know your rights!

  26. As Justice Scalia said the other day, in war, the rule of law is meaningless. We're in midst of the drug war and the terror war. Evidence seized in a warrantless search rarely gets thrown out of today's courts, especially if officers lie about their actions. The fourth amendment is virtually meaningless because of war today, just look at what the NSA is doing--searching everybody's info without a warrant. I still won't consent to a search though, simply because people gave up their life to leave me those rights.

  27. 6:33, Right On. Please keep in mind, these young adults were trying to be nice. They had no drugs and they simply wanted to be on their way. The Police abused them as well as their power. Their intent is not to sue them for their actions, which were in fact illegal. Their only intent is to EDUCATE the public to just say NO.


  29. 6:33 that is why you video tape the whole event, I would clearly give no consent on that video, that is admissible in court and would cause the judge to throw it out. I would not have let them search, they would have to get a warrant. If you are video tapping the LE aren't dumb enough to get hung up in an outright lie and abuse of power. That is also why you ask "am I being detained and if so why? Also ask what the probable cause was for getting pulled over. I'm tired of preaching to the choir, you want to let them search, go right ahead, fool.

  30. I would like to think that they get it right the majority of the times but they have to use a bit of courtesy and compassion

  31. 6:39, You are exactly right. As far as I understand it, Sheriff Lewis has trained the State Troopers in 49 states across America.

  32. They did not have to agree to the search. They could have said no. They should have said no.

  33. 8:14, try reading the comments. That has already been discussed and answered. They were trying to be nice and respectful. It was a huge mistake and they will never agree again. They will also never rent another vehicle, spend a LOT of gas money as well as thousands upon thousands of dollars they spent along the way to vacation in such a way.

    So thanks to Law Enforcement, they are helping to destroy the economy.

  34. I have been stupid enough to have consented to a search back in the 70's. Left on the side of the interstate in Illinois with the back seat as well as all contents on the side of the road, as the cops drove off laughing.

    NEVER consent to a search! Period!

  35. I appreciate all the legal eagle advice but you are all wrong.

    Your car can be searched without a warrant. Goes on all the time, "I smelled pot emitting from the vehicle, hence, a search without your permission or a warrant"'

    The officer has probable cause to believe there is evidence of a crime in your vehicle (I smell pot)

    The officer reasonably believes a search is necessary for their own protection (a hidden weapon, for example)

    You have been arrested and the search is related to that arrest (such as a search for illegal drugs)

    Automobiles may be stopped if an officer possesses a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the motorist has violated a traffic law. If the reason for the stop is a minor traffic offense like speeding, the officer likely isn’t permitted to search your car without more reason. However, if police arrest for conduct arising out of a traffic stop, a search of your vehicle incident to arrest will usually be allowed.

    So like I said, even if the kids did not consent this cop would have come up with a reason to search the RV. The kids never had a fighting chance.

    Don't you people ever watch youtube? People video tape these searches all the time and post them


  36. 6:51 LE gets caught on their own dash cams in outright lies and abuse of power all the time.

  37. 4:26 take those rose colored glasses off. they searched the rv for 3 hours. consent or not they were going to search it. not only in this case but in many others.
    i am laughing that you actually think just because you say no, that is the end of it..
    let me know how that works out for you.

    you can try to wake people up, educate them and open their eyes......can you say neigh.

  38. There is a lot of case law that governs searches that result from traffic stops. The stop must continue as a normal traffic stop until something significant occurs:
    1) Consent to search is granted;
    2) Reasonable suspicion creates the need to detain the occupants of the vehicle for further investigation;
    3) Probable cause to search the vehicle is established;
    4) Probable cause to arrest someone in the vehicle is established which permits a limited search;
    5) the vehicle must be towed as a result of enforcement action (unregistered, uninsured, etc.) and an inventory of the vehicle is conducted.

    Number 1 can always be rescinded.
    Number 2 can result in a pat down for weapons if the reasonable suspicion involves drugs.
    Numbers 3-5 = a search is going to happen.

    video tape everything. Let them know its being taped. Play the tape for the court if it goes that far.

  39. I'd sit in my vehicle with the window up, just cracked enough to talk and door locked until they came back with a search warrant. I'd video tape everything. If they are going to hassle me I'm going to make them earn their salary! Especially if it's a rental, let them deal with any damage done by LE when they come up with nothing.

  40. It's time for legislatures to admit this is a problem and abuse of power. Tell them how you feel and use examples. Demand changes.

  41. TRAINED BY MIKE LEWIS is somewhat correct and his favorite tactic is the 4 mph speed violation, on a BM or HM and you better believe when the old "R" Tags & "Z" Tags were designators of rental vehicles they were taking them off the by-pass like wildfire. 99% of people don't have the sack to refuse a consent to search anyway that coupled with the true sounding consequences turns most drivers to putty in LE's hands. How about all the people who spent time in jail because they were staked out as they pulled into Florida dining establishments otherwise known as strip clubs approached at the bar and asked "Hey I know you it's Bill right? No it's Robert I'm sorry I know a guy that could be your twin from Baltimore. Nope not me I'm from Salisbury, MD." Criminal follows innocent out to parking spot distracts him while accomplish zip ties pound of high grade coke to the frame you drive off as they write down your tag number. Crooks go online run your tag for $25 send a guy two nights later to your house cut the zip ties and take there coke and you have no clue it happened. Unless your the one stopped for a light out you consent to k-9 scan and bingo you got Bubba stretching your sphincter for 10 years. Don't think it's possible? Wrong it has many, many times! JUST SAY NO & STAY OUT OF STRIP CLUBS IN SOUTH FLORIDA!!!!!

  42. I wonder why they have probable cause when K-9s alert, being k9s give false alerts all the time.

  43. 9:01 PM

    nobody said anything about a warrant. we are talking consent. police do what they want all the time, that doesnt make it legal.

    but if you consent to it, you have no legal standing in court.

    just like muscles, if you dont exercise your rights, they get weak.

  44. 9:01 PM

    A search incident to arrest is quite another thing. It does not apply to this case since no one was arrested.

    Stick to the facts and dont muddle the waters to look like your are correct pls.

  45. I wasn't going to comment , because I know you've heard it before.
    We have become a police state.
    I blame Obama , he has been the inspiration for this to happen.
    We have to understand that his is going on all over the country.
    Why? It's the present administration , Obama , his military within.
    When will you younger people wake up?

  46. 8:51 I listed all the facts as published in the article as to how and why a search occurs. So legally speaking I am correct.

    Unlike other commenters who implied a search could not take place without a warrant.

    Did you have a point other than ignorantly critiquing a comment and adding nothing of substance? no? I didn't think so.

  47. how about just telling the douchbag cop to wring the friggin ticket and get the f out of my face. ever thought about that one?
    I do it all the time! I would rather go to court and deal with a judge maybe with a lawyer by my side then deal with some mental midget on the side of the road!

  48. Yea, 1:43 I can just imagine what would happen if you copped that attitude and I would back the officer.

  49. It's funny when you come into contact with a cop, most of you want nothing to do with them. However, when you want a cop you complain that they took to long or didn't react the way you expected. You're the same people who complain that it's to dangerous to allow police to chase or stop, question and frisky, but if you're family were threatened would be the first to say they would take the law into their own hands. I've driven for almost 40 years, never been stopped to have a search done, use a rental car more then several times a year and still not sure how your kid gets stopped and subject to search each time. There is always two sides to every story and one side usually embellish more then the other to get their point across. Where do you fall within my post.

  50. anonymous 4:52, Interesting how you know so much about other people and come off as confident you are so right when you have never met these eight young men.

    My article clearly states, when you have eight young adults, the odds of at least one of them having possession of drugs is probably pretty high. In this case, the Police lost.

    Together my Wife and I have FIVE boys. Now I'll be the very first to admit, four of the five I'd probably have to agree with you. However, the fifth, well, he's a straight shooter, I'm proud to say.

    Now I've discussed this complete matter five times since it happened and guess what, NOTHING in his story has changed. He's telling the truth.

    So that is where I fall with your post.

  51. Did you have a point other than ignorantly critiquing a comment and adding nothing of substance? no? I didn't think so.

    February 9, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    You seem to be the only one who doesn't get the point. Believe what you want.

  52. Sheeple...all of you

  53. An RV is considered a 2nd home by the IRS if it is taken from your primary residence for a period of 30 days or longer. I'm not certain how that would work with a rental but, since it is considered a 2nd home by the IRS, I would think it would require a search warrant, the same as your primary home would, if you did not give consent. Ok arm chair lawyers, have at it.

  54. Berlin State Police on night shift harass drivers on the roadFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:13 AM

    Never give the cops anything...they have to have a search warrant..


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