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Saturday, February 15, 2014

From Captain Phillips To Benghazi – Obama’s Cowardice & Lies Exposed

Have many in the mainstream media looked into Obama's background deep enough to see that maybe we have a Muslim for a President? Have they ever questioned President Obama about why he studied Marxism while he was at Occidental College in California? Has anyone even thought of asking President Obama just what he learned from Frank Marshall Davis, a devout Communist, who was on the FBI watch list? It seems that many are unwilling to question or make statements about Obama due to how he abuses the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies to silence his opponents. No matter, we are now going to pose a question of this man known as Barack Hussein Obama and demonstrate that he is not only a liar, but a coward as well, and how this may be the reason that the deaths of Americans occurred in Benghazi.

Let us begin with the list of lies from Obama compared to other Presidents and this list is not a total list of lies from the Liar- in-Chief.



  1. Not quite sure about the Captain Phillips issue because of the sensitive nature,but in complete agreement about the rest.

  2. thanks for posting this article. unfortunately many will not read and some still won't get it.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 15, 2014 at 12:46 PM

    Absolutely 100% correct. You have to watch the Captain Phillips movie to fully understand the statement by Jack Wheeler. This is ASTONISHING! HE KNEW AND HE EXPOSED THE TRUTH.


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