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Saturday, February 15, 2014

‘Evil’ Koch Brothers Rank #59 In Political Donations Behind 18 Different Unions

Democrats hate the Koch Brothers.

They believe the Koch Brothers are the root of all evil because they donate to Republicans and conservative causes.
Democrats even threaten and protest against the Koch Brothers.

This week Senate Democrats once again asked the IRS to crack down on conservative groups including Americans for Prosperity, funded by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch.
Democrats want to silence the opposition.

So how big of a threat are the Koch Brothers?
Over the past twenty five years, from 1989 to 2014, Koch Industries has donated$18,083,948 in political contributions to Republicans. While that seems like a large sum, it only ranks them as number 59 on the list of top all-time political donors – behind 18 different unions.



  1. LOL.., bring your own stormtroopers to your democracy rally. This is classic.

  2. Someone ought to point this out to Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and Rick Pollitt's special friend Ron Pagano. The great Ron Pagano who moved to the area to marry his wife he met ONLINE. He bashes on Andy Harris every single time the Daily Rag publishes an article about him.

    The Koch brothers are so evil because they, according to him, made donations to the Harris Campaign. I would much rather accept a donation from them than the corrupt labor unions listed.

  3. Interesting about Pagano 7:31. He was very vocal locally about the Martin/Zimmerman case. Problem was he wasn't truthful. So he's a democrat? This explains his penchant for playing loose with the facts. Democrats have major difficulties when it comes to being truthful.

  4. Matthew 20:16 & 19:24 Nuff said!


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