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Monday, February 03, 2014

Do-gooders Know Best About Wages

Raising the minimum wage is all the rage among liberal Democrats and liberal advocacy groups. Listening to them it’s clear a much higher minimum will dramatically close the income inequity gap.

Nirvana is just around the corner.

All this is well intentioned. Yes, there is a widening gulf between America’s very rich and the middle and lower classes. Yes, the nation’s minimum wage needs adjustment. Those at on the bottom of American society need extra financial help.

But is the nearly 40 percent jump in the minimum wage proposed by President Obama and his wannabe successor, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the solution?

Will prosperity suddenly blossom, job-growth flourish and the poor take home enough pay to cover all expenses?

Sadly, the answer is “no.”


  1. Bob beckel wants it to be $15.

  2. And who is Bob Bickel??

  3. You just can't fix stupid. If the minimum wage is raised like they propose, everyone else should get the same raise. The companies will have to charge more for goods and services, which means any raise will be eaten up in higher costs. The end result? The same as before it was raised.


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