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Saturday, February 22, 2014

DHS Contracted To Purchase 704 Million Rounds Of Ammo Over Next 4 Years: 2,500 Rounds Per Officer

(CNSNews.com) -- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is contracted to purchase 704,390,250 rounds of ammunition over the next four years, which is equal to a total of about 2,500 rounds per DHS agent per year, according to a January 2014 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report entitled Ammunition Purchases Have Declined Since 2009.

“If DHS were to purchase all 704 million rounds over the next four years, and if they were used by 70,000 DHS agents and officers, it would be roughly 2,500 rounds per agent per year,” David Maurer, author of the GAO report, told CNSNews.com.



  1. they get free target practice and don't pay for bullets, target practicing alone I can go through a hundred a week. heck a friend and I took my pistol shooting with 15 round clips we went through 100 rounds in 30 minutes and that was to stop and reload because I only had two clips

  2. I shoot more than 2500 rounds every year as an officer. It's really not that much ammo for continued training and qualification.

  3. In all my time, the most we've been given is 250 bullets and 20 shotgun shells. That would have been enough to qualify for 10 years.

  4. I can supply over 400 officers for a few years. Quite the gathering.

  5. To be used on us, get ready !

  6. Cops should spend more time identifying Wii controllers and toys instead of shooting. You need far, far more training in the areas of object identification and basic social skills.
    There's two previous articles on this blog and hundreds of others across the US that back this up.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I shoot more than 2500 rounds every year as an officer. It's really not that much ammo for continued training and qualification.

    February 22, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    are you really that bad of a shot?

  8. Sounds like I'm loaded up for at least a couple of years! Just let me know which two...

  9. Nope, its called training. The more you shoot the more it becomes muscle memory.

  10. Quite honestly, the more you shoot the more it desensitizes you. Particularly if you're shooting at targets of pregnant women or children. It's the GD training that's killing Americans.

  11. most 'good' cops never have to draw their weapon in their entire career, someone doing that much 'training' is just looking for an excuse to shoot someone.

    they really need to do better and more thorough screening when hiring these knuckleheads.

  12. Drawing a firearm has nothing to do with being a "good" or "bad" cop. This 2014, when is America is filled with more armed nutjobs than ever and have know fear of LE. LE officers are targets. Would you like proficiently trained police with firearms or an officer who can barely get the gun out of the holster. It amazes me that people complain about training, when all I ever hear is police need more training.

  13. Dear Fellow Citizens,
    Does this bother you and do you find this disturbing?? The framers of our Constitution put the second amendment in for a reason and the reason is becoming very apparent. The framers saw that such a time might eventually present itself as it has now. The kenyan king has no intention of following the Constitution and his actions prove his real socialist agenda. Have we had enough yet??


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