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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Democrat Congresswoman Wants To Write Executive Orders For Obama

One would think “Understands the Constitution” would be on the job description for those interested in joining Congress. Apparently, however, this basic requirement isn’t even considered anymore.

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D – TX) has a great idea for the new Congressional Full Employment Caucus. She said, “We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work.” How she intends to create work remains a mystery since the government doesn’t create wealth, unless she plans to reduce regulations that stifle job growth. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

Disturbingly, Jackson Lee continued, “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.” What the…? Doesn’t she understand the separation of powers? Has this woman ever heard of legislation…the kind that everyone in Congress gets to vote on instead of ramming through her utopian gibberish?



  1. This woman should be drug tested.

  2. The parasite lee hasn't the intelligence to under the Constitution. Dregs like her epitomize why the black communities have never gotten ahead and are falling back in record numbers.

  3. The Kenyan Zulu King can get things done with his EXEC orders yo!

  4. Seriously doubt she can write!

  5. 1:48 your right and let alone read

  6. The woman is intellectually impotent.
    Proof positive of the idiot status of some elected officials and affirmative action is a major failure to the black community.
    (not to mention she's a racist)

  7. How the hell do these people get elected???

  8. Districts where more liberals live is how they get elected.

  9. 3:11 Not only that, but a black, female, democrat... in Texas? Hell was cold on that day.

  10. These are the fools that helped put that idiot in office!

  11. 3:55 Agreed completely, but it does not apply to all blacks. Fortunately there are a small minority that DO believe in integrity, honor and decency.


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