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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Delegate Seeks To Reduce Road Rage

ANNAPOLIS — There's hope for the perpetually late drivers of Maryland whose blood boils at the sight of a slow car in the left lane.

If it's up to Delegate Patrick Hogan, and if a bill he has sponsored succeeds, the state will ask slowpoke drivers to slide to the right so others can pass.

The title of his legislation? The Road Rage Reduction Act of 2014.

With the bill, the Maryland State Highway Administration would post signs along all roads of more than two lanes in each direction telling drivers to clear the way of any vehicles that might be bearing down on them.


  1. Do like New Jersey and make it a law that the left lane if for PASSING ONLY! It's a great law and it WORKS! No point in reinventing the wheel.

  2. The only 3 lane roads I can think of around here is Coastal Highway.

  3. My attorney won this me in courtJanuary 27, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    Just another darn excuse for the State Police to Harass you on the road...once I was attempting to record a Trooper's vehicle number at a RED LIGHT ( WHILE WE WERE STOPPED) and when we we pulled away for the light the TROOPER MOVED OVER THAN PULLED ME OVER giving me a $180.00 ticket for "following too close to him at the RED LIGHT"...

  4. And this is what this dude spent his time on..... slow drivers........

  5. cops hate snitches too

  6. move over hillabillies in the fast lane

  7. How is he going to get those idiots from "Lower Slower Delaware" to get with the program and drive at least as fast as the speed limit!

  8. Yes...we need to spend money on signs that inform people to do that which should be common sense to them. One more indication we are a nation of idiots governed by idiots.

  9. No such thing as a fast lane.

    No one has to drive the speed limit. They are allowed to drive 10mph below the LIMIT.
    (But they are not allowed to impede traffic).

    There are already laws on the books about keeping to the right. They are not enforced.

    Slower drivers in the left lane are a pet peeve of mine, but what is worse is when you have 5-10 following the slower driver instead of going around them.


  10. The reason folks in Lower Slower Delaware drive that way is that it is hard to operate a vehicle and smoke, talk on the cell phone, play with the dog, and sing to the radio, all at the same time!

  11. It's the side by side driving is what gets me with blocking others! Staying in lanes while their cruise controls are a mere .125 mph away from each other, and it takes 30 miles for one to pass the other while they stare at you from the rear view mirror. Most of the time, they are not on cruise, and still sit side by side with a trail of cars behind them.

    Pi$$es me off. Want road rage? Try that for a hundred miles.

  12. Following too closely is a $110 fine, not $180.

  13. Get PRE-PAY LEGAL you allJanuary 28, 2014 at 4:24 AM

    Well, whether the Super Trooper wrote out the wrong amount for 180.00 the court threw it out...I am considering a lawsuit against Maryland for Harassment...

  14. drivers are supposed to learn to yield to faster vehicles before they get their license.

  15. The idiots here can barely drive - you want them to read too!

  16. If you have a problem with this proposed law, you are probably a terrible driver.

  17. laws are useless unless followed and enforced.

  18. All aggressive comments here.You people are dangerous drivers for sure.

  19. Here's an idea, a new law stating Po-Po shoots the tires out of any driver doing 54.8 MPH in the fast lane holding up the rest of the lane. No fines, no court, the idiot in the fast lane just pays for all corresponding expenses. Watch that stupid habit go away quickly.

  20. Is there nothing more pressing?

  21. The key is to define a slower moving vehicle. To me a vehicle doing the speed limit in the left lane is not a slower moving vehicle. The speed limit is the same in both lanes. a slower moving vehicle is one that is not doing the speed limit.

  22. Just don't sit next to someone else going the same speed for crying out loud. It's selfish self-centered and ignorant. If you're in either lane you can fix this. Drive Gently and try to be courteous and understanding. You may be in a hurry someday yourself. Pass and then get back over in the right lane. Show some common sense,even if you have to borrow it.


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