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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Columbia Mall shooting: Dubious claims from the anti-gun lobby

Vinny DeMarco, a progressive lobbyist for sin taxes and gun control issued this disingenuous and misleading statement on the tragic shooting at the Mall in Columbia this past weekend.

Marylanders To Prevent Gun Violence joins all Marylanders and Americans in holding in our prayers the victims of yesterday's shootings at the Columbia Mall. We also commend the Howard County police and other first responders for the great and heroic work they did yesterday to save lives. Based on what we know, this tragedy could have been much worse. The shooter bought the shotgun he used at a gun store in Rockville, MD in Decemeber [sic] of 2013. This was after Maryland's new Firearm Saftey [sic] Act of 2013 went into effect on October 1. As a result, the shooter was not able to buy an assault weapon or a magazine that could fire more than 10 bullets at one time. We will never know how many lives were saved because he could not buy an assault weapon such as an AK-47. We hope this will inspire other states and the federal government to also ban these weapons of mass destruction.

A close read of this statement reveals either one of two things. Vinny the gun grabber has no idea how the guns he banned actually work, or he is deliberately misleading the public.

DeMarco is conflating the two types of ammunition. Shotguns don’t use magazines to hold ammunition. That’s like saying football is played with a hockey puck.



  1. DeMarco is a F*n idiot. If he wanted an AK 47 he would have found one. If he wanted any kind of assault rifle he could have found one or stolen one from a friend or a neighbor. This firearm safety act is only preventing me from disarming and eliminating the threat of a mass killing. I hope you are a victim of a crime and wish you had a weapon to protect yourself.

  2. This guy is an idiot , it's a fact that the most feared gun for law enforcement is a shotgun,
    One shot using 00 buckshot could put down as many as a dozen officers or bystanders.
    People kill people , he could have very well used a box cutter.

  3. What heroic work? The guy killed himself long before they arrived. Once again the anti gunners spreading their lies all in the interest of destroying the 2nd Amendment.

  4. if more people were carrying guns this all might have been prevented and lives would have been saved.to hell with obammy and his gun grabbers.

  5. I prefer to look at this with another twist. He did exactly what Uncle Joe Biden told him to do. He bought a shot gun!!

  6. Had this shooter had to think that there might be someone nearby with a C.C.P. then he may never had pulled the trigger in the first place.
    But our government knows best.. right?...sheesh!

  7. shooter was under 21, he couldn't have bought an ar15 or ak before the new laws.

  8. when are these idiots going to realize it's not the choice of weapon, its the killer that is using the weapon.

    Back in the '50s and later, there were shooting ranges in schools. You could buy a gun from a catalog and have it delivered to your house.

    People used to ride around with hunting rifles in their pickups.

    They guns are the same. The people have changed.

  9. Just to make a point. THe AR10 is still not banned. You can pick one up today and walk out the door with it because it is considered a long rifle. It is the same platform as the AR15 just in a large and more damaging caliber. So apparently he just went to wrong store OR he got exactly what he wanted.


  10. 11:13 Or, he could have got one from ATF... just pretend he's in the cartel. Viola... new semi auto rifle.

    Shotguns are worse, as the article suggests... it takes the skill out of shooting. The tards think anyone can buy an AR or AK off the shelf, go down and mow people down. Not really.


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