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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Capital One Says It Can Show Up At Cardholders' Homes, Workplaces

The credit card company's recent contract update includes terms that sound menacing and creepy.

Ding-dong, Cap One calling.

Credit card issuer Capital One isn't shy about getting into customers' faces. The company recently sent a contract update to cardholders that makes clear it can drop by any time it pleases.

The update specifies that "we may contact you in any manner we choose" and that such contacts can include calls, emails, texts, faxes or a "personal visit."



  1. I used to have one of their cards. They were so manipulative with billing date changes that they lost my business.

  2. Ding dong ....bang bang.

  3. I'm wondering if the judge would side with their contract language or my 'no trespassing' sign.

  4. You call on me, you're not going to like my friend, his name is S&W.

  5. let them and they will get a gun in their face for trespassing...

  6. I wonder what became of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?

  7. 7:12
    You obviously miss the point.
    Look a little deeper into the consequences of bending the intentions of "illegal search and seizure. Read the attached LA Times article and you will learn how the rule and application of the law can be subverted by crafty self indulging attorney's.

  8. I hope they send Alec Baldwin-- I'd love to sucker punch that tool

  9. Yo Cap One, meet my "Leetle Friend".

  10. 9:30 This... Biden said to fire a shotgun blast through the door. That's my defense.


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