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Sunday, February 02, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman Found Dead

Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead in a New York City apartment Sunday from an apparent drug overdose, law enforcement sources tell FoxNews.com.


  1. one report said he had a needle in his arm. sad. I admit not understanding addiction when you have so much going for you.


  2. If this was my son or your son his picture with smiley face would not be on blog Picture with numbers being held in his hand would. What makes the difference other than money. Addiction is addiction rich or poor. Play with fire you will get burned.

  3. That is heroin. Once you are hooked you don't make decisions it owns you.

  4. Who is he and who really cares. We have soldiers dying every day and this druggie make Breaking News before they do!

  5. I bet it was heroin laced with fentanyl.

  6. I have to agree with 3:44. Hollywood and the media will glorify any actor/musician junkie who slips up and ODs, even the obscure and lesser known. This may be a bit extreme, but anyone who is too stupid to live should not be on the front page. Self-destruction is not something we should honor and promote.

  7. 3:44 ~~~ AGREE 100%

  8. 3:44. He is actually a very good actor. That being said you have a good point. If nothing else the fact his death made the news underscores how much these hollywood libbies live in a world all their own.

    God Bless our wonderful military guys and gals.

  9. What use is it to be a very good actor if you're dead?

  10. He's dead by his own hand. Got what he deserved. He knew that drugs were bad so I'm sorry but rip piece and let's go with more important things.

  11. Shame, liked him in ARGO.


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