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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Bill Seeks Truth In Crabmeat, Seafood Labeling

Did you ever wonder if a restaurant's crabcake was made with Maryland crab or some foreign import? Or if that was really red snapper you bought, or an impostor?

A bill introduced Wednesday in Annapolis would make it illegal for restaurants or markets to mislabel the seafood they sell, and moreover would require them to specify where their crabmeat came from.

"If I go to a restaurant and order a 'Maryland-style' crabcake, I'd like to know if it's made with Venezuelan crabmeat," said Del. Eric G. Luedtke, the bill's sponsor.


  1. Our County, State, and Country are in deep debt and Obamacare is going to destroy America, and this guy is worried about whats in his crab cake?

  2. I've been in Florida and they tauted Maryland crab cakes. THe closest the crabmeat was to Maryland was on the menu.

  3. I think this is a good idea. As consumers we should know the origins of something as important as the foods we put in our bodies.

  4. I do want to know that what I am eating is actually what I think it is.
    1:41 If you like mystery meat stick to Spam and Scrapple.

  5. Great idea - especially if they force the watermen to identify if they really caught the crab in Maryland waters, and that it did not migrate to Maryland from Virginia, or North Carolina. Would Virginia packed crabs that were certified as having been bred and killed in Maryland waters, though it may have wandered back and forth during different seasons to different states, qualify as a Maryland crab.

    Can't think of a more stupid waste of time idea for someone with a supposedly functioning brain to publicize.

  6. a crab is a crab, what difference does it make where it comes from? just imagine all the good stuff we would not have to eat if only locally produced food was available. as long as it's not loaded up with cheap fillers what's there to complain about?

  7. Each crab needs to be polygraphed to prove it is what it claims to be.Otherwise some ghetto crab is liable to sneak in.

  8. 2:25 My point is we have much bigger problems that need to be addressed by our elected officials other than Spam, scrapple, hot dogs, crab cakes or cheese, or the official Maryland sandwich. And I guess you can tell us where all the food you eat comes from?

  9. Hey, what's wrong with scrapple? It's a true American delicacy.

  10. blue crabs are blue crabs just season with old bay seasoning steam over beer and water!!! umm then just eat until your heart is content!!!! Oh, was down with more cold beer... What a way to spend an evening.

  11. 2:25 A blue crab is a blue crab until you steam it. What is your point about wanting legislators wasting time about where your food comes from while real people are loosing their jobs!

  12. Heck , I worked for a seafood company that would buy from south America and repackage it for Md. sale.

  13. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 5, 2014 at 4:30 PM

    Well thats not the bad idea, but how about we fin out why Obama is using SS number issued in Connecticut and we don't know why?! Then we can worry about what crab is in the crabcake. Oh, I forgot, crabbcake is more important.

  14. Thank you 4:30. That's my point. 4:14 was where I was coming from. The hell with crab cakes, lets get down to our real problems. J.C.R. Delmar Md.

  15. I think this is a good thing. I have given up on trying to eat any crab at a restaurant because most use imported crab. Something about it that my body just does NOT like.
    However I think they have more important issues they have to deal with. I am ok with asking the restaurant if they use Maryland Crab. When you see something that says Maryland style....usually it just means they use Old Bay. You also have to watch how it is packaged in the stores. Some will say packaged in Virginia.....but the crab inside is not from this area.

  16. Some of the info is needed. For example pregnant women can eat shrimp to some degree but are told not to eat shrimp or certain seafood that came from different waters (such as the gulf of Mexico) believe it or not there are different levels of mercury depending on the temperature of the water. This not a highly known fact but it is true. I hate government being involved but some rules do have a purpose. I am pregnant and this is what I was told to watch our for.

  17. Hell. We have a president who is from Kenya and packaged in America. And, you idiots are worried about crab cakes!


    I believe this would put a hurtin' on Phillips in O.C. I think that anything with true "Maryland Crab" in it has not seen the insides of their kitchen in many years. In fact I believe that they are importing "illegal alien hard crab" meat from the waters of Asian countries. We don't need undocumented crab meat to be imported into Maryland. We have enough problems with the undocumented aliens from South America and Haiti.

  19. You people don't know your crabs. A Bluecrab is NOT just a Bluecrab. Big difference in taste and meat texture depends on where the crab was harvested. Extremely easy to tell Chesapeake and it's tributary crabs from Carolina and south crabs.

  20. Right on! How do I know where the flour came from that was used in my loaf of bread. I demand genuine Iowa flour because any other may be intended to poison me.

    We should be entitled to genuine a$$holes picking which flour is used in our diets.

  21. 5:05 I don't think the shrimp is what you should look out for. They didn't make you pregnant!

  22. Them blue crabs from the wicomico river have a certain poopy smell to them...


  23. To save the Bay, and our kids, and puppies, and kittens.

    All crabs swimming in MD waters should be individually licensed so we can track their whereabouts. That number should be recorded when they are caught and should be recorded at each step until their demise. The license number should be available to the consumer to ensure they are not being ripped off.

    Crabs are polluting the bay by wantonly pooping in it and should be required to wear diapers at all times while in MD waters.

    DNR should hire all unemployed Marylanders and equip them with underwater diver equipment so they can form a walking line to cover the bay's bottom and inspect all crabs for compliance with the licensing and diapering requirement.

    Non-compliant crabs will be given 10 days to become compliant before being sprinkled with seasoning to identify their non-compliant status.

    Licensing fees from the crabs and sales taxes from their diaper purchases will be sufficient to pay the DNR divers. Any shortfall can be made up by a per word tax on the BS spread by OwweMalley and OweBrown as they speak, whether in-state or across the nation. This also pollutes our fair state.

    We'll have a clean bay, zero unemployment and verifiable MD only crabs, and best of all OweMalley and OweBrown will minimize their words!

    Contributed with a smile!

  24. The Indonesians have tiny fingers to pick the crabs better than our locals. Less shells for sure. Phillips canned in Indonesia is a top Sysco seller to many local restaurants.

  25. Mr. Luedtke, so if the meat came from south america, you're not going to eat it?

  26. I only eat what I catch. Guaranteed to come from MD that way.


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