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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Another Salisbury Restaurant Has Closed Their Doors

"Just heard Mr. Pauls legacy closed today."

"I just called there and the man said they are closed permanently. Guess I better make different plans for Friday."

Publishers Notes: I spoke with the General Manager last week and was told they would remain open. Obviously something changed, hence the above quoted message. 


  1. Thought it was for sale?

  2. Wonder if that asking price was the get out of debt ##?

  3. Have heard that Unos in Fruitland is next.

  4. What a shame! Good food and was priced decently! Just don't know why that location hasn't been more successful????

  5. Good. But, unfortunately. When people lose there jobs, the blinder come off there eyes. They will be able to see what is really going on with their government . And, see just how corrupted they really are. Finally, they will have the courage to stand up and fight for their rights as free tax paying citizen and get what they deserve w/o the fear of losing one job. Wicomico county and Salisbury government is full of corruption. It is all about the rich getting filthy rich and the middle class, children, the poor, the elders and even pets suffer behind the corrupted greed of the 1%.

  6. I just stopped by Paul's new Pizza & Sub shop on College Ave. in the strip stores by the Rt. 12 Shell and car wash and he came out to say they were just putting the finishing touches on and to come back next Tuesday when they are opening.

    I'm hungry!

  7. Maybe the found a buyer.

  8. It's because few can afford to eat out as often as we used to. Many more restaurants will be closing in the near future as well if the middle class continues to be squeezed this way.

  9. It is sad but the small local guys will be the first to go. They can't keep up with the national chains advertising and supply systems, and travelers are less likely to take a gamble on an unknown place versus the mediocre but consistent product of the big guys.

  10. If you look up statistics approximately 60 percent of restaurants fail. Unfortunatley the little guys get run out by the big chain restaurants.

  11. I have found Mr Paul to be a stand up guy. But today I was told by one of his "former" employees that he closed the doors and did not tell them. they were ready to go to work yesterday when the Manager rang the bell to tell them the doors have been closed. No notice, no warning, no nothing. If your employees have been there for you, you need to be there for them. Its the right thing to do. If you can't give them a notice, give them a severance check for two weeks while they try to find work. Most, if not all, are pay check to pay check families. Come on Mr. Paul. Do the right thing!

  12. This is no doubt another example of what this Government is doing with all the taxes and regulations helping businesses to fail. This idiot in the White House never ran or worked at anything in his life and his solution to cut the debt is to tax the wealthy. What most don't understand is that if he took every thing the wealthy made it wouldn't put a dent in the national debt. Another closing is just the tip of the ice berg as the middle class income continues to shrink due to the loss of buying power. Some five years ago this business was going strong both as a restaurant and a banquet facility which I had been to a number of times. I hope Mr. Paul gets to enjoy his life a lot more with this monkey off his back. What a shame but as long as we have the jerks running this city I am sure there will be more closing up shop.

  13. Unos isn't going anywhere, where do you get that nonsense?. Unos and Texas Roadhouse are the busiest in the area

  14. uno's is terrible, both the food and the service. to be fair, it's not that the servers aren't friendly , they just aren't good at the job.the food is definately worse than the service though.

  15. I understood Mr. Paul was old and deciding to retire. This was a planned and announced event. If earlier than announced, severance til then was the right thing to do.

    May God bless your life every day from here on out, Mr. Paul, you will always have your legacy!

  16. Location, location, location.

  17. You can go to the Golden Coral.

  18. I heard from an employee at Gander Mtn. that there going to close down also, O'Malley's stupid gun law is killing them. This store just is not meeting sale expectations so corporate is not going to renew it's lease.

  19. good gander mtn don't sell nothing anymore!

  20. NO SURPRISE THEY CLOSED. They acted like they had money problems. I wish I went to Golden Coral for Thanksgiving and not Mr Pauls because that buffet was the worst ever. The food was like a cheap deli for or a $20..00 a plate. The string beans were cold and under cooked hard and very crunchy.Some of the other foods like the oyster stuffing, beef carving station and seafood bisque yet his wife insisted the buffet was the same as last year. AND yet the prices stayed the same as last year.Everyone felt ripped off. Consistency, quality and honesty was different this year,why even put out such a sup par buffet and ruin your reputation?

  21. Sure did appear like they were going out of business in NOV. didn't it? I still have not heard anything about where Mr Paul is now or where he was in Nov.

  22. No worries. Ire-toon can tear down the building and have some section 8 housing put on the propery. Think of the Obama Fed money to be had!

  23. What happens when Kmart and Sears close? It is going to happen soon. Salisbury is slowly becoming a business ghost town but we are doing nothing about it.

  24. Anon: 306 Mister Paul doesn't own nor is he affiliated with a pizza shop on college ave. It has to be another Paul

  25. Uno,the one in Fruitland on the corner.Uno which one I mean.

  26. Mr Paul told his employees, including the general manager, at the end of the year, that he was selling the restaurant, but he would remain open until this happened. Told them to cut back hours and go to limited menu. He asked them to not walk out on him. A month later, this previous Monday, he asked his general manager to call the employees in to tell them he decided to close and they had no job. It was raining and some people would have to take a cab or get a ride. His gm took it upon himself to go to each employees' house and tell them face to face how much he appreciated them and how sorry he was. That is a real man and I have so much respect for him. Mr Paul, on the other hand, is heartless, selfish, and greedy, and only does to benefit himself. Its so sad to see the Legacy close, but to run a successful business, you must put your heart in it. No matter what that staff did, it would never happen as long as Paul was lurking around, for that man has no heart!

  27. Mr. Paul fired his stepson, Jay, whom was an asset to the place. When Jay left, the place went downhill. And I agree with 2:16, Mr. Paul is a big fat liar and mean, heartless bum!

  28. I wondered where Jay was when I would eat there. Why did he fire him?

  29. What happened to Jay?


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