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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

An Upcoming Protest

While we are CONSIDERING publishing information sent to us today about animal cruelty with animals in the Circus and the Show coming to the Civic Center next week, the OVERKILL in bombarding us with at least TEN messages quite frankly is overkill.

As ALL of you know, the Albero Family absolutely loves animals. My Wife has raised literally thousands of different species of animals both personally and at the Salisbury Zoo. 

As a Family we do believe the Ringling Brothers Circus needs to eliminate the majority of animals in their show. It's bad enough so many animals in our local Zoo have to be caged for the entertainment of HUMANS. It's bad enough so many HUMANS tease and throw objects at the defenseless animals in that same Zoo. The biggest shame is that our elected officials call the Salisbury Zoo the Pride of the City. 

Cage a few of them up for one year and let's see how many HUMANS throw items and tease them seven days a week and see how they like it. 


  1. Yep thats animal cruelty alright....poor elephant having Jim ireton on his back

  2. a lot of city government need to be in cages for years.

  3. I have not gone to a zoo or circus for a very long time because I think wild animals belong in the wild.

  4. "Cage a few of them up for one year and let's see how many HUMANS throw items and tease them seven days a week and see how they like it."

    Where is the Like button?

  5. look joe, seeing an animal now and then just gives us a break from one endless stream of clowns we would be dealing with in this town!

  6. 5:57 you need to be in a cage alone with my 2 friends who are Animal Rights activists ..Bob Barker gave one of them --one of his several Emmy awards

  7. I can't stand to look at those large cats in the small cage at the zoo, they are beautiful but you can see them pacing and are not comfortable in dog kennels

  8. Jim looks right at home.

  9. Let's just overlook the fact that if it wasn't for zoo's pushing for conservation of endangered species we as the care takers of this earth would have wiped out thousands of species.

    Why Americas are looking for anything to protest against except what is truly important right now boggles the mind. We have a country in dire straits and even on the verge of collapsing . We have police in the streets taking peoples rights away from them and even beating them in some cases for simply filming them doing there so called jobs. You have government trying to take your rights away on a daily basis ( gun control, wire tapping,freedom of speech) just to name a few. And all these people can come up with to protest against is a 100 animals in a carnival that has been a staple of the USA for what now 100 years or so?

    What will you do when its to late to protest having your right to protest taken from you? That's my question


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